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Complaints - Stage 3: Follow up complaint - Additional guidance

"Serious" gas complaints

A gas complaint is serious, if

  • it alleges fatal or major injury caused through exposure to carbon monoxide or unburnt gas, or a fire or explosion resulting from an escape of gas
  • it alleges current ill-health, eg tiredness or dizziness, caused by exposure to carbon monoxide
  • it relates to work that has left an appliance in a condition that if it is operated, or left connected to a gas supply, is an immediate danger to life and/or property, eg an appliance with serious flueing or ventilation or combustion defects when measured against the manufacturer's instructions and/or BS 5440 Parts 1 & 2
  • it relates to a dangerous gas fitting that, following inquiries with the notifier, cannot be confirmed as being made safe

Link URLs in this page

  1. Operational procedures home
  2. Inspection
  3. Investigation
  4. Overview - Complaints
  5. 1. Receive concern
  6. 2. Risk filter (FOD)
  7. 3. Follow up (FOD)
  8. 4. Appeals (FOD)
  9. 5. Decide to investigate (HID/ND)
  10. 6. Follow up (REACH)
  11. Additional guidance
  12. Overview - Enforcement decision
  13. 1. Make decision
  14. Additional guidance
  15. Overview - Notice
  16. 1. Consider
  17. 2. Discuss
  18. 3. Prepare
  19. 4. Serve
  20. 5. Follow up
  21. 6. Appeal
  22. Additional guidance
  23. Overview - Prosecution
  24. 1. Consider
  25. 2. Prepare report
  26. 3. Approve
  27. 4. Prepare for court
  28. 5. Appear in court
  29. 6. Close process
  30. back to Introduction : Policy
  31. back to step 2.3
  32. Information Commissioner's Office
  33. Freedom of Information Act 2000: Advice for Organisations
  34. HSE statistics
  35. Enforcement database
  36. RIDDOR statistics
  37. H&S Guidance
  38. Press Release
  39. HSE Books

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Updated 2020-12-14