Placing civil explosives on the GB market


This guidance is about placing manufactured products on the market in Great Britain (GB). Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland.

There is different guidance on GOV.UK if you are placing manufactured products on the:

Following the UK’s departure from the EU, some rules and procedures changed from 1 January 2021.

The Explosives Regulations 2014 (as amended) state that economic operators must not place, or make available, civil explosives on the market unless they conform with certain requirements, including:

  • meeting the essential safety requirements
  • conformity attestation against the relevant tests
  • correct application of the UKCA mark

The economic operator may be the manufacturer, authorised representative, importer or distributor.

A civil explosive is 'placed on the market' when there is a written or verbal agreement to transfer ownership or possession or other rights in the product. This does not require physical transfer of the product. You can usually use a document used in business transactions to prove it was placed on the market, including:

  • contracts of sale concerning goods which have already been manufactured and meet the legal requirements
  • invoices
  • documents concerning the shipping of goods for distribution

The relevant economic operator is responsible for demonstrating the date a product was officially placed on the market.

Civil explosives placed on the market before 1 January 2021

If you placed products on the GB or EU market (EU or an EEA state) before 11pm on 31 December 2020, you do not need to do anything new for these individual products.

These products can continue to circulate on either market until they reach their end user. Once they reach their end user, this provision no longer applies.

This means that, for example, if the product was originally placed on the GB market, the end user cannot sell the product on the EU market without ensuring the product conforms to current EU requirements.

GOV.UK has more information on conformity assessment[57].

The relevant economic operator is responsible for demonstrating that the product was placed on the market before 11pm on 31 December 2020.

The relevant economic operator may be the manufacturer, authorised representative, importer or distributor.

GOV.UK has more information on:

The UKCA mark

The UKCA mark can be used on civil explosive and other products placed on the market in Great Britain (GB) to demonstrate that they meet essential safety requirements.

HSE will introduce legislation that will extend recognition of the CE mark indefinitely.

Under current legislation you can:

  • continue to place compliant CE marked civil explosive products on the GB market until 31 December 2024
  • use your CE certificate (for products that have been conformity assessed by an EU-recognised Conformity Assessment Body) before 11pm on 31 December 2024, as a basis to declare that your existing product types are compliant with UKCA requirements until your CE certificate expires or by 31 December 2027, whichever is sooner 

Explosives approved bodies

The UK Explosives Approved Body is responsible for:

  • conformity assessing products for the UK market and awarding the UKCA mark - the conformity assessment procedures remain the same as those required for the CE marking
  • conformity assessing products for the Northern Ireland market and awarding the UKNI mark

GOV.UK has more guidance on conformity assessment [60]and accreditation.

Designated standards for civil explosives

From 1 January 2021 all the existing harmonised standards for civil explosives that give a presumption of conformity to EU essential safety requirements, became GB designated standards.

GB designated standards[61] (GOV.UK)

Businesses are able to use designated standards as a way of continuing to demonstrate conformity with the Explosives Regulations 2014 (as amended).

From 1 January 2021 the EU's Harmonised Standards remain the relevant standards for placing civil explosives on the Northern Ireland market where EU rules continue to apply.

EU's Harmonised Standards[62] ( website)

Manufacturers, importers and distributors

Manufacturers' legal obligations remain unchanged from 1 January 2021.

You need to check whether you or your supplier became an importer after 1 January 2021. You will have become an importer if you're the one bringing goods into the UK from outside the UK and placing them on the market in GB.

For further guidance on importer duties go to UKCA marking: roles and responsibilities[63] (on GOV.UK)

Authorised representatives

From 1 January 2021 if you use an authorised representative or responsible person, they must be based in the UK for explosives being placed on the GB market.

Manufacturers can instruct an authorised representative to:

  • keep declarations of conformity and technical documentation
  • engage with the market surveillance authority and co-operate with the competent authority on any action taken to eliminate risks posed by civil explosives covered in their mandate

Link URLs in this page

  1. Explosives
  2. Explosives Regulations 2014 (Amendment) Regulations 2016
  3. Overview - The Explosives Regulations 2014
  4. Guidance structure
  5. Subsector guidance
  6. Explosives Legislative Review
  7. Getting started
  8. Overview - Authorisations/licensing
  9. Hazard type
  10. Safety requirements
  11. Separation distances
  12. Building and construction type
  13. Applying for a licence
  14. Local authority assent
  15. Explosives in ports
  16. Information for enforcing authorities
  17. Refusals and revocations of authorisations
  18. Safeguarding plans
  19. Manufacturing
  20. Security
  21. Storing explosives
  22. Overview - Classification for transport
  23. UN test results
  24. UN test series FAQs
  25. Analogy
  26. Non-contracting party
  27. UN default scheme for fireworks
  28. How to apply
  29. Overview - Fireworks
  30. Firework displays
  31. Storing and selling fireworks
  32. Transfer of explosives
  33. Overview - Ammonium nitrate
  34. Ammonium nitrate and COMAH
  35. Storage of ammonium nitrate blasting intermediate (ANBI)
  36. Notification threshold
  37. High nitrogen content
  38. Land use planning
  39. Discarding and disposal
  40. Reporting loss
  41. Placing civil explosives on the market
  42. Market surveillance
  43. Record keeping requirements
  44. Manufacture, storage and carriage of thermites
  45. Overview - Other topics
  46. Exemptions
  47. Record of explosives incidents
  48. Identification and traceability
  49. Applying for a Site Identification Code
  50. Overview - Resources
  51. Forms
  52. Publications
  53. Useful links
  54. Contacts
  55. EU market
  56. Northern Ireland market
  57. more information on conformity assessment
  58. economic operators and their responsibilities
  59. rules for placing manufactured goods on the market
  60. more guidance on conformity assessment
  61. GB designated standards
  62. EU's Harmonised Standards
  63. UKCA marking: roles and responsibilities
  64. Guidance on pyrotechnic articles and ammunition
  65. UK Explosives Approved Body (UK-EAB)
  66. Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (on GOV.UK)

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Updated 2024-07-09