Ammonium nitrate
Explosives: update
The UK has left the EU, and some rules and procedures have changed from 1 January 2021[55].
This page contains information about:
- the safe storage and handling of ammonium nitrate which maybe useful to manufacturers, blenders, importers, warehouse keepers and farmers
- relevant legislation that applies to different quantities and types of ammonium nitrate
- security of ammonium nitrate, specifically aimed at blasters and farmers, but it may be of interest to anyone involved in storing or handling ammonium nitrate
Storing and handling ammonium nitrate
HSE's leaflet INDG230 Storing and handling ammonium nitrate (PDF) [56] provides information relating to the general duties imposed on employers by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 with regard to the safe storage and handling of ammonium nitrate at, for example, harbours, merchant stores and manufacturers' premises.
HSE has produced a self-help checklist (PDF) [57] to help those storing ammonium nitrate determine if there are further measures they could take to ensure safe handling and storage of ammonium nitrate. This checklist is issued to all safety and security inspectors.
Delivery Guide dealing with Ammonium Nitrate Strategic Topics[58] has been produced as an aide for inspectors.
The following legislation is relevant to importing and storing ammonium nitrate:
- Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH)[59]
- Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations 1990 [60]
- Ammonium Nitrate Materials (High Nitrogen Content) Regulations[61]
- Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations[62]
Security of ammonium nitrate
The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) hosts the Secure Your Fertiliser website[63], which aims to increase the awareness in the farming and growing community and provide practical guidance about securing fertilisers.
Further information and guidance regarding handling, storage and security can be found on the Agricultural Industries Confederation website[64].
Guidance on the security of ammonium nitrate used in blasting has been produced by NaCTSO in conjunction with the Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee and HSE.
The leaflet A Guide to the Security of Ammonium Nitrate used in Blasting (PDF) [65] offers some practical help and guidance for sites, such as quarries, that use ammonium nitrate for blasting.