Chemicals industry regulation


Use the links below to go to guidance on the regulations:

  • Biocides[4] – authorisation of biocidal substances and products
  • CLP[5] - classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures
  • PIC[6]- prior informed consent for the export and import of certain hazardous chemicals
  • PPP[7] – plant protection products (known as pesticides) authorisation
  • REACH[8] - registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals

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Link URLs in this page

  1. Brexit: new rules
  2. Chemicals industry
  3. Placing goods on the market in Northern Ireland
  4. Biocides
  5. CLP
  6. PIC
  7. PPP
  8. REACH
  9. biocides
  10. CLP
  11. PIC
  12. The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023 (
  13. Policy paper on smarter regulation to grow the economy (GOV.UK)

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Updated 2024-12-02