How to contact us
For general enquiries on health and safety in air transport you should check the information and guidance that is contained within the HSE air transport specific web pages.
There are other regulators and agencies with overlapping health and safety interests in the air transport sector. See the list of useful links for more specific guidance and advice.
If you wish to get in contact with HSE please following advice in the Contact HSE[1] section.
HSE's Operational Inspectors
HSE's Operational Inspectors deal with the air transport industry on a day to day basis. They do this by:
- Carrying out inspections.
- Investigating accidents and complaints.
- Providing advice at visits, by phone, or by letter.
- Taking formal enforcement action where necessary.
HSE's Air Transport Sector
The Air Transport Sector activities include:
- Providing support, advice and guidance at a national level to HSE operational inspectors
- Developing worksteams as part of HSE's Strategy[2] to reduce injuries and occupational ill health
- Monitoring the health and safety performance of the industry
- Working with the key stakeholders in the industry, trade associations and trade unions to improve health and safety
- Working with stakeholders to produce published and web-based guidance industry specific guidance
- Working with national and European bodies in the development of standards (egCEN standards).