
Queries from providers

General queries about licensing or the application process should be made direct to the Licensing Authority at [email protected].

Appeals about licensing decisions

If the Licensing Authority rejects your representation, they will tell you how to appeal to the relevant National Authority.


Concerns about individual licence holders should be made direct to the Licensing Authority at [email protected].

Please note that AALA is only able to investigate matters relating to licensable activities being provided to children by licensed providers. Concerns relating to other activities and/or those provided to adults, are outside of AALA’s remit and should be addressed to the relevant Enforcing Authority.

Concerns about the Licensing Authority or the contractor working on behalf of AALA should be made in the first instance to [email protected]

Other queries

These would include:

  • the future of AALA
  • policy on licensing

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Updated: 2024-06-03