This denotes a data source where tables have been accredited as official statistics following independent review by Office for Statistics Regulation.
Ill health
The Labour Force Survey represents our preferred source for general ill health data and is supplemented by information from the THOR reporting network and the mesothelioma register. For further information, please refer to data sources[26].
Regularly updated ill health incidence and prevalence rates, based on responses to the Labour Force Survey, and country/region breakdowns are presented in the following tables:
[27] – Work-related illness – Country and region of residence
Statistics relating to mesothelioma deaths are derived from the mesothelioma register[28] and country/region breakdowns are presented in the following table:
[29] - Mesothelioma death rates per million by region and residence, time period and sex.
Country-specific estimates of the number of cases of various ill health conditions derived from THOR[30] (The Health and Occupation Reporting network) are presented in the following tables:
[31] - Work-related skin disease: estimated number of cases reported by dermatologists to EPIDERM and by occupational physicians to OPRA, by country and diagnostic category;
[32] - Work-related and occupational respiratory disease: estimated number of cases reported by chest physicians to SWORD and by occupational physicians to OPRA, by country and diagnostic category;
[33] - Breakdown of THOR-GP by country (available via the National Archives).
The Labour Force Survey represents our preferred source for injury data and is supplemented by information on reported injuries under the RIDDOR system. The RIDDOR statistics are available at a more detailed level - for example including fatalities and data at the level of individual local authorities.
Annually updated estimates of injuries to people working in the last twelve months are based on responses to the Labour Force Survey and country/region breakdowns are presented in the following table:
[34] – Workplace injury – Country and Region
Data based on reported injuries under the RIDDOR system are presented in the following tables and are available at the country, region and local authority levels:
[35] - RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by country, region, county and local authority