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Annex 1 - Module of questions on workplace injury

Questions commissioned by the HSE were included in the Winter quarter from1993 (December 1993 – February 1994) and the first quarter from 2007 (January-March) of the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

ACCDNT – Core question

Thinking of the 12 months since [full date] have you had any accident resulting in injury at work or in the course of your work?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Coverage: Applies if respondent is in work or left work in the last year (respondents who worked in the last 12 months).
Data available: Each year from 1993/94 onwards


How many accidents have you had (in the last 12 months)?

  1. One
  2. Two or more

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: 2006/07

The remainder of the questions refer to the respondent's most recent injury.

ROAD - Core question

Was that (most recent) injury caused by…?

  1. A road accident
  2. Or in some other way

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available:Each year from 1993/94-2007/08 and also in 2012/13


In which year did it happen?

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 2008/09 to 2010/11


… and in which month was that?

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 2008/09 to 2010/11

WCHJB - Core question

May I just check, was the job you were doing when you were injured the one you previously mentioned as...

  1. [Occupation title - main job]
  2. [Occupation title - second job]
  3. or was it some other job?

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 1993/94 onwards

GOBACK - Core question

How soon were you able to start work again after the accident?

  1. Still off paid work
  2. expects never to do paid work again
  3. same day
  4. the day after the accident
  5. on the 2nd day after the accident
  6. on the 3rd day after the accident
  7. on the 4th day after the accident
  8. on the 5th day or longer after the accident
  9. don't know

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 1993/94-2007/08 and also in 2012/13

GOBCK9 - Core question

How soon were you able to start work again after the accident?

  1. Still off paid work
  2. same day
  3. the day after the accident
  4. on the 2nd day after the accident
  5. on the 3rd day after the accident
  6. on the 4th day after the accident
  7. on the 5th day or longer after the accident
  8. don't know

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 2008/09-2011/12 and from 2013/14

TIMEDAYS – Core question (from 2003/04)

How many days after the accident did you go back to work?

Enter the number of days.

If the respondent has difficulty remembering the number of days, please enter the number of weeks or months.

Coverage:  Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months) AND (GOBACK=8 or GOBCK9 =7) (Returned to work on or after the fifth day after the accident)
Data available: 2000/01 and each year from 2003/04


Thinking about this time you did not work, were you on furlough for any of that period?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Coverage: Applies if GOBCK9= still off work or returned to work on the second day after the accident (or 3rd, 4th or 5th)
Data available: 2020/21


Did you include any furloughed time in the period you just told me about?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Coverage: Applies if FURAY=YES (been on furlough)
Data available: 2020/21


Between your injury and when you returned to work, how much of that time were you on furlough?

Please code either days, week or months here and at the next question can you input the amount.

  1. Days
  2. Weeks
  3. Months

Coverage: Applies if FURIC =YES (Included furloughed time in period mentioned)
Data available: 2020/21


Please enter the amount

Coverage: Follows on from response from FURTM
Data available: 2020/21

TYPINJ – Core question (from 2006/07)

(Thinking of your most recent injury) How would you describe the injury you received?

  1. Amputation (NOT loss of fleshy finger tip, teeth or nails - count as superficial)
  2. Fracture/broken bones (NOT cartilage in nose - count as superficial)
  3. Dislocation of joints (without fracture)
  4. Strain/sprain
  5. Superficial (inc. bruising, abrasions, scratches, foreign body in eye)
  6. Lacerations/open wound
  7. Loss of sight (temporary or permanent)
  8. Chemical or hot metal burn to the eyeball or any penetrating injury to the eyeball (NOT the eye area of the face generally)
  9. Burns/scalds (NOT to the eye)
  10. Lack of oxygen (asphyxia) or poisoning
  11. Other type of injury
  12. Multiple injuries, no one injury type obviously more severe

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 2006/07

SITEFR – Core question (from 2006/07)

Which bones did you fracture/break?

  1. Fingers or thumbs
  2. Toes
  3. Wrist or ankle
  4. Other bones in hand or foot
  5. Other bones in arm or leg
  6. Head, neck, spine or pelvis
  7. or other bones

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months) and TYPINJ=2 (fracture/broken bones)
Data available: Each year from 2006/07

SITEDI – Core question (from 2006/07)

Which joints were dislocated?

  1. Shoulder
  2. Other joint in arm eg wrist, elbow
  3. Hip
  4. Knee
  5. Other joint in leg eg ankle
  6. or spine

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months) and TYPINJ=3 (dislocation of joints)
Data available: Each year from 2006/07


Was the loss of sight temporary or permanent?

  1. Temporary
  2. Permanent

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months) and TYPINJ=7 (loss of sight)
Data available: 2006/07 and 2007/08


For how long was your sight impaired?

  1. up to 5 minutes
  2. from 5 minutes to 1 hour
  3. from 1-24 hours
  4. from 1-7 days
  5. more than a week

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months) and TYPINJ=7 (loss of sight) and SIGHT=1 (temporary)
Data available: 2006/07 and 2007/08

ACCURH – Core question (from 2006/07)

Still thinking of the accident you just mentioned, did you…

  1. Lose consciousness, even briefly?
  2. Suffer from hypothermia or heat induced illness?
  3. Need resuscitation?
  4. Stay in hospital for more than 24 hours?
  5. No experience any of the above

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: Each year from 2006/07


How long were you unconscious?

  1. momentarily (for a few seconds)
  2. less than 1 minute
  3. 1-5 minutes
  4. more than 5 minutes but less than 1 hour
  5. more than 1 hour

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months) and ACCURH=1 (lose consciousness)
Data available: 2006/07 and 2007/08

ACCKIND – Core question (from 2006/07)

Please could you describe how the accident happened?

  1. contact with moving machinery or material being machined
  2. hit by a moving, flying or falling object
  3. hit by a moving vehicle
  4. hit something fixed or stationary
  5. injured while handling, lifting or carrying
  6. slipped, tripped or fell on the same level
  7. fell from a height
  8. trapped by something collapsing or overturning
  9. Near drowning or asphyxiation
  10. exposed to, or in contact with, a harmful substance
  11. exposed to fire
  12. exposed to an explosion
  13. contact with electricity or an electrical discharge
  14. injured by an animal
  15. physically assaulted by a person
  16. another kind of accident

Coverage: Applies if ACCDNT=1 (Respondent injured at work in last 12 months)
Data available: 2004/05 and each year from 2006/07

Link URLs in this page

  1. Statistics
  2. Statistics A - Z
  3. Index of data tables
  4. Ill health
  5. Overview - COVID-19
  6. Management information
  7. Overview - Fatal injuries
  8. Latest quarterly fatal injury figures
  9. Overview - Non-fatal injury
  10. Violence at work
  11. Costs to Britain
  12. Industries
  13. Countries and regions of Britain
  14. Comparisons with other countries
  15. Historical picture
  16. Overview - About HSE Statistics
  17. Data sources
  18. Overview - National statistics policies
  19. Revisions
  20. Confidentiality policy
  21. Overview - User engagement
  22. Reports from previous user consultations
  23. Quality guidelines
  24. Statement of administrative sources
  25. Research and ad hoc analysis

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Updated 2021-12-08