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The figures included within the tables are representative of Great Britain unless otherwise stated.

Official Statistics logoThis denotes a data source which has been accredited as official statistics following independent review by the Office for Statistics Regulation

Ill health

The Labour Force Survey represents our preferred source for general ill health data and is supplemented by information from The Health and Occupation Reporting network (THOR), Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB), the mesothelioma register and death certificates. For further information, please refer to data sources[26].

Annually updated ill health incidence and prevalence estimates and rates, based on responses to the Labour Force Survey, and gender breakdowns are presented in the following table:

LFSILLAGE (.xlsx) [27] Official Statistics logo – Work-related illness in Great Britain by age and gender

Statistics relating to mesothelioma deaths are derived from the mesothelioma register[28] and breakdowns by sex are presented in all the mesothelioma mortality tables found at: Statistics - Index of tables ([29]. Additionally, occupational lung disease mortality tables with breakdowns by sex are presented in the following tables:

  • ASIS02 (.xlsx) [30] Official Statistics logo – Deaths mentioning asbestosis without mesothelioma: annual average number of deaths and rates per million by 3-year time-period, sex, and age-group
  • ASIS03 (.xlsx) [31] Official Statistics logo – Deaths mentioning asbestosis without mesothelioma: age-standardised death rates per million by region, time-period and sex
  • ASISAREA (.xlsx) [32] Official Statistics logo – Asbestosis deaths mentioning asbestosis but not mesothelioma with standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) for males and females by area
  • ASISOCCUPATION (.xlsx) [33] Official Statistics logo – Asbestosis male mortality in Great Britain (including and excluding mention of mesothelioma) by occupation
  • DC01 (.xlsx) [34] Official Statistics logo – Annual deaths due to occupationally related lung disease, other than mesothelioma and asbestosis in Great Britain

Estimates of attributable fractions, number of deaths and registrations by cancer site and sex are found in the following tables:

  • CAN01A-NEW (.xlsx) [35] – Estimated attributable fractions, average annual number of deaths in 2018-2022 and registrations in 2017-2021 by cancer site including established and probable human carcinogens (Last updated 11/24)
  • CAN01A (.xlsx) [36] – Estimated attributable fractions, number of deaths in 2005 and registrations in 2004 by cancer site including established and probable human carcinogens
  • CAN01B-NEW (.xlsx) [37] – Estimated attributable fractions, average annual number of deaths in 2018-2022 and registrations in 2017-2021 by cancer site including only the established human carcinogens (Last updated 11/24)
  • CAN01B (.xlsx) [38] – Estimated attributable fractions, number of deaths in 2005 and registrations in 2004 by cancer site including only the established human carcinogens

Estimates of the number of cases of various ill health conditions by sex derived from THOR[39] (The Health and Occupation Reporting network) are presented in the following tables:

  • THORS01 (.xlsx) [40] Official Statistics logo - Work-related skin disease: estimated number of cases reported by dermatologists to EPIDERM and by occupational physicians to OPRA, by sex and diagnostic category
  • THORS02 (.xlsx) [41] Official Statistics logo - Work-related skin disease: percentage age distribution of estimated cases reported by dermatologists to EPIDERM and by occupational physicians to OPRA, by sex and diagnostic category
  • THORR01 (.xlsx) [42] Official Statistics logo - Work-related and occupational respiratory disease: estimated number of cases reported by chest physicians to SWORD and by occupational physicians to OPRA, by country and diagnostic category
  • THORR02 (.xlsx) [43] Official Statistics logo - Work-related respiratory disease: percentage age distribution of estimated cases reported by chest physicians to SWORD and by occupational physicians to OPRA, by sex and diagnostic category

New cases of specified 'prescribed diseases' (with an established occupational cause) assessed for compensation under the Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit scheme with gender breakdowns are presented in the following tables:

  • IIDB01 (.xlsx) [44] Official Statistics logo – Prescribed industrial diseases: new cases in England, Wales and Scotland by disease
  • IIDB06 (.xlsx) [45] Official Statistics logo – Pneumoconiosis: new cases assessed by industry to which the disease was attributed
  • IIDB08 (.xlsx) [46] Official Statistics logo – Occupational asthma: new cases of assessed disablement, by causative agent

Statistics relating to the surveillance of workers exposed to lead with breakdowns by gender are found in the following table:

Lead exposure (.xlsx) [47] Official Statistics logo – the breakdown of lead workers under medical surveillance


The Labour Force Survey represents our preferred source for non-fatal workplace injury data. It is supplemented by information on reported injuries under the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation (RIDDOR) system. RIDDOR also provides the lead source for data on fatal work-related injuries.

Annually updated estimates and incidence rates of non-fatal injuries to people working in the last twelve months are based on responses to the Labour Force Survey and gender breakdowns are presented in the following table:

LFSINJAGE (.xlsx) [48] Official Statistics logo – Work-related injury in Great Britain by age and gender

Data based on reported injuries under the RIDDOR system are presented in the following table:

RIDAGEGEN (.xlsx) [49] Official Statistics logo – RIDDOR reported fatal and non-fatal injuries in Great Britain by age, gender and broad industry group

Link URLs in this page

  1. Statistics
  2. Statistics A - Z
  3. Index of data tables
  4. Ill health
  5. Overview - COVID-19
  6. Management information
  7. Overview - Fatal injuries
  8. Latest quarterly fatal injury figures
  9. Overview - Non-fatal injury
  10. Violence at work
  11. Costs to Britain
  12. Industries
  13. Countries and regions of Britain
  14. Comparisons with other countries
  15. Historical picture
  16. Overview - About HSE Statistics
  17. Data sources
  18. Overview - National statistics policies
  19. Revisions
  20. Confidentiality policy
  21. Overview - User engagement
  22. Reports from previous user consultations
  23. Quality guidelines
  24. Statement of administrative sources
  25. Research and ad hoc analysis
  26. data sources
  28. mesothelioma register
  29. Statistics - Index of tables (
  30. ASIS02
  31. ASIS03
  34. DC01
  35. CAN01A-NEW
  36. CAN01A
  37. CAN01B-NEW
  38. CAN01B
  39. THOR
  40. THORS01
  41. THORS02
  42. THORR01
  43. THORR02
  44. IIDB01
  45. IIDB06
  46. IIDB08
  47. Lead exposure
  50. Gender Statistics 2024
  51. Health and safety statistics 2024
  52. Index of tables
  53. More resources

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Updated 2024-11-19