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Ill health - completed research

This page summarises the key findings from recent completed research projects relating to work-related ill health:

RR954 (PDF) [27]

Key findings:

  • Overall, the Labour Force Survey (LFS) reports 25% higher rates for work-related ill health compared with the THOR-GP scheme, possibly due to the LFS capturing less severe cases which are not referred to a GP
  • Stress and Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) dominate both sources although rates of MSD are higher in THOR-GP and rates of stress, depression and anxiety are higher from the LFS. This could reflect the inclusion of some injuries in the THOR data and GPs possibly identifying other non-work factors as the underlying cause of stress;
  • Rates of work-related skin disease are substantially higher from THOR-GP than the LFS. This may reflect better awareness amongst the GP reporters who have been trained in occupational medicine of possible work-related causes compared to the awareness of the individual;
  • The LFS shows higher rates of "other" work-related illnesses;
  • The age and industry profile of work-related ill health sufferers is very similar from both sources;
  • The LFS shows higher ill health rates for skilled and professional workers compared with THOR-GP although this is confounded by the higher rates of stress that are found in the LFS.


Key findings:

  • An expert review panel accepted that in 77% of cases work was the main or contributory cause of the illness. In a further 10% of cases it may have exacerbated symptoms;
  • In 80% of cases, where information was available, the same decision was made by the respondent's doctor and the review panel;
  • Variables most strongly associated with apparent mistaken ascription were occupation and time since end of exposure to the work the respondent believed had caused or made their illness worse;
  • Psychological characteristics and illness beliefs of respondents do not appear to have a significant effect on the reliability of the reports, after accounting for occupation and time since end of exposure;
  • Work-related illness has an impact on the daily lives of individuals; the general physical and mental health of those affected tends not to be good;
  • There is no standard measure of work-related illness without problems; all available sources are subject to some kind of error. Self reports are broadly reliable; the level of mistaken reports will to some extent be counter-balanced by opposite biases. When sensibly interpreted, such surveys provide valid information not available from other sources.

Associated documents

The documents listed are no longer updated and are available via the National Archives using the links below.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Statistics
  2. Statistics A - Z
  3. Index of data tables
  4. Ill health
  5. Overview - COVID-19
  6. Management information
  7. Overview - Fatal injuries
  8. Latest quarterly fatal injury figures
  9. Overview - Non-fatal injury
  10. Violence at work
  11. Costs to Britain
  12. Industries
  13. Countries and regions of Britain
  14. Comparisons with other countries
  15. Historical picture
  16. Overview - About HSE Statistics
  17. Data sources
  18. Overview - National statistics policies
  19. Revisions
  20. Confidentiality policy
  21. Overview - User engagement
  22. Reports from previous user consultations
  23. Quality guidelines
  24. Statement of administrative sources
  25. Research and ad hoc analysis
  26. RR953
  27. RR954
  28. RR970
  29. 2010 Work-related Illness Survey (WRIS): Technical report
  30. Work-related Illness Survey (WRIS) User Guide: 2010 Questionnaire
  31. Doctors Follow-up Survey (DFS): Methods and questionnaire
  32. Health and safety statistics 2024
  33. Health and safety at work: Vital Statistics 2024
  34. Index of tables

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Updated 2024-10-30