Case studies

The case studies in this section are all based on real incidents in the workplace with real consequences for the people involved.

Latest case studies

Kitchen related accidents

Contamination and spillages

Housekeeping and cleaning regimes

Effective matting systems

Slippery store entrance in wet weather - supermarket entrance matting[51]

Choice of suitable footwear

Design of workplace and work activities

Maintenance of plant and the work environment

Specification of appropriate flooring

Effective training and supervision

Working together to solve the problem

Human cost

Young woman loses leg after two slip accidents[84]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Slips and trips
  2. The law
  3. Frequently asked questions
  4. Overview - Are you a?
  5. Employer
  6. Employee
  7. Architect or designer
  8. Overview - Causes and prevention
  9. Overview - Contamination
  10. Cleaning
  11. Flooring
  12. Overview - Footwear
  13. Supplying slip-resistant footwear
  14. Environment
  15. People (human factors)
  16. Overview - Resources
  17. Publications
  18. Overview - Tools
  19. STEP eLearning package
  20. Overview - Slips Assessment Tool (SAT)
  21. Using SAT
  22. Research reports
  23. Case studies
  24. Campaigns
  25. Useful links
  26. Audio and video
  27. Subscribe
  28. Leading energy company tackles slips and trips
  29. Famous UK biscuit company looks at ways to reduce slips and trip incidents in the workplace
  30. Council reduces slip accidents amongst catering staff
  31. Restaurant trips up after ignoring housekeeping advice
  32. Chef slips and suffers severe arm burns from hot oil
  33. Risk of slips reduced in school canteen
  34. Pub-restaurant chain's choice of kitchen floor surface
  35. Fast food employee flash fries her arm in 360°F oil following slip
  36. Serious burn injuries lead to serious fine for fast food restaurant!
  37. Serious burn injuries lead to serious fine for fast food restaurant
  38. Fractured skull from a “wholly preventable” catering slip
  39. Supermarket prosecution for leaking chiller cabinet
  40. Tackling slips in a further education establishment
  41. Containing spillages at a manufacturing bakery
  42. Oily floors in engineering workshop
  43. Slipping on dust in machinery workshop
  44. Hospital improves floor cleaning after a slip
  45. Trip risk warnings ignored!
  46. Company changes cleaning methods following accident investigation
  47. Carpet company fails to maintain their own carpets!
  48. Poor housekeeping causes trip accident
  49. Why more shopping centre slips in the middle of the day?
  50. Improving cleaning at a manufacturing bakery
  51. Slippery store entrance in wet weather - supermarket entrance matting
  52. Oil company protects ankles AND guards against slips
  53. Pet food company reduces slip accidents after introducing new footwear
  54. Logical approach cuts slips & trips by two thirds at food processor
  55. Temporary staff miss out on anti slip footwear
  56. Footwear choices at a manufacturing bakery
  57. Slip risks on a supermarket's smooth floor - sensible long and short-term action
  58. Supermarket fined after worker slipped in hot oil
  59. Japanese 5S management system
  60. Ice build up in cold store costs time and money - frozen food factory
  61. An error in pedestrian flow management
  62. Designing safety into buildings
  63. Trip risk warnings ignored!
  64. Holed walkway went unrepaired for months before injuring a health service worker
  65. Leaking machinery causes persistent pool of water in commercial kitchen
  66. Worn out stairs carpet causes serious fall - yet still goes unrepaired
  67. Ice not a problem for Prison
  68. Supermarket fined after ignoring advice about fitting a particular type of floor tiles
  69. Local Authorities weather proof their new reception area
  70. Company prosecuted after driver breaks his ankle after slipping near a diesel  pump (added May 09)
  71. Caution ! Wet paint
  72. Fractured skull from a "wholly preventable" catering slip
  73. Pub-restaurant chain's choice of kitchen floor surface
  74. Ramped walkways at railway station
  75. College fits the right floor surfaces in the right places
  76. Designing safety into buildings
  77. Fast food restaurant owners ponder options
  78. Slipping on dust in machinery workshop
  79. Find out how STEP is used in Vocational Training
  80. Inadequate training leads to serious slip accident
  81. Logical approach cuts slips & trips by two thirds at food processor
  82. Japanese 5S management system
  83. Management, workers and equipment suppliers collaborate on tackling slips
  84. Young woman loses leg after two slip accidents
  85. Download case studies and additional guidance
  86. Slips and trips - Hazard spotting checklist
  87. Preventing slips and trips at work INDG 225(rev1)
  88. Injury caused by a slip in a kitchen
  89. Virtual College: Slips, Trips and Falls Online Training
  90. CIRIA
  91. Usdaw: Risk mapping for slips and trips
  92. Work at height
  93. Shattered Lives
  94. Cleaning overview
  95. Stop Slips in Kitchens
  96. RIDDOR - Report an incident

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

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