Banksmen and signallers

What is a banksman

Banksmen are operatives trained to direct vehicle movement on or around site. They are often called traffic marshals

Can we still use banksmen for reversing vehicles?

Yes, but only if trained and authorised . There is a hierarchy of control which places segregation at the top. Banksmen should only be used in circumstances where other control measures are not possible.

More information on using banksmen for reversing vehicles

What is a signaller?

Signallers are operatives who are trained to direct crane drivers during lifting operations.

How can we keep signallers safe?

  • ensure that they are trained and competent to direct lifting operations
  • provide a protected position from which they can work in safety
  • provide distinctive 'hi viz' clothing for identification
  • tell drivers that if they cannot see the signaller they should stop immediately
  • agree on the use of standard signals

You'll find the standard signals in the Health and Safety (Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 L64.

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