Competent Authority procedures and delivery guides

The following guidance has been prepared by the COMAH competent authority (CA).

General guidance for COMAH establishment operators

These guides have been produced with Industry to provide general information for COMAH establishment operators.

CA internal guidance - COMAH safety report assessment

The following have been developed by the CA for internal use. and describe the arrangements for receiving, handling and assessing COMAH safety reports. Together they form what are known as the:

  • safety report assessment manual (SRAM),
  • safety report assessment guides (SRAGs) and
  • safety report assessment technical criteria.

The safety report content that CA assessors will look for has not changed but SRAM has been updated to reflect improvements in CA procedures and to bring together guidance that was previously contained elsewhere.

The content and format of the SRAM and SRAGs will be kept under review.

COMAH 2015 safety report assessment manual (SRAM)

The SRAM document is the COMAH Competent Authority's internally-targeted guidance on the assessment of COMAH safety reports. It describes the framework within which the CA undertakes the assessment of safety reports and the processes its staff should follow in assessing safety reports submitted to them by operators of upper-tier COMAH establishments, pursuant to regulations 9 and 10 of the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 2015 (COMAH).

COMAH 1999 safety report assessment guides (SRAGs)

Assessment and inspection

Strategic topic delivery guides

Mechanical Integrity Delivery Guide

Investigation and enforcement

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