HSE offices
Find the address of your nearest HSE Office and Knowledge Centre.
Inspectors and other field professionals are based in offices organised into regions. HSE offices are open 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Office locations in:
- East & South East[24]
- London[25]
- Midlands[26]
- North West[27]
- Scotland[28]
- Wales & South West[29]
- Yorkshire & North East[30]
Construction Division
Covers London Division, East and South East, Midlands, Wales and South West, Yorkshire & North East Division, North West Division and Scotland.
Employment Medical Advisory Service (EMAS)
You can find information and guidance on workplace health issues on the HSE website under various topics[31] or industries[32]. There is also information on how to make a workplace complaint.
If you cannot find the information you require via our website, you can contact the Employment Medical Advisory Service by submitting a written request for information to the appropriate HSE office listed above. Your request should include your name, contact address (email or postal) and details of the information you require.
HSE head office
Health and Safety Executive
Redgrave Court
Merton Road
L20 7HS