How to identify genuine HSE telephone surveys
Q. If I unexpectedly receive a telephone call at home or at work from someone stating that they are undertaking a health and safety survey on behalf of HSE, am I obliged to answer their questions?
All HSE surveys of individuals are completely voluntary and you are not obliged to respond. If you are approached by an organisation on behalf of HSE, you are likely to have been contacted as part of a random selection process. Although HSE surveys are voluntary, it helps if as many as possible do agree to take part, so that we can build up an accurate picture of people's views and experiences. HSE undertakes surveys from time to time in order to obtain important information not available from any other source that helps us promote and achieve high standards of health and safety in Great Britain.
HSE appreciates the time you spend when answering surveys and this is an important way that you can help.
What surveys have been authentically commissioned by HSE?
HSE commissions a variety of surveys to meet its aim of ensuring that risks in the workplace are properly controlled. HSE will be sponsoring a major series of national surveys (including home and workplace telephone surveys) over the next few years. The surveys are designed to give HSE a better appreciation of how health and safety is being managed in Britain's workplaces and how HSE'S programmes are performing. They will tell HSE what's working, what isn't and why.