
Rodents, such as mice and rats, can:

  • carry diseases that can harm people
  • cause damage to buildings
  • spoil foodstuffs

There are a number of chemical and non-chemical methods for controlling rodents, such as:

  • good hygiene practices
  • physical barriers
  • traps
  • biocidal products

Biocidal products that control rodents by attraction (like traps) are covered by product type 19[67] of:

  • the GB Biocidal Products Regulation (GB BPR) in Great Britain (England Scotland, Wales)
  • the EU Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR) in Northern Ireland.

Biocidal products that control rodents by other means, such as poisons, are known as rodenticides and are covered by product type 14[68].

Rodenticides authorised for use in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Types of rodenticides authorised for use in Great Britain and Northern Ireland include:

  • various types of bait that are intended to be eaten directly by the rodents
    • pellets
    • pastes
    • blocks
    • grains
    • gels
  • foams that are intended to stick to the rodents' fur and be consumed as part of the animals' grooming
  • gases that are released into rodent burrows

Details of the individual rodenticide products authorised for use in Great Britain and Northern Ireland can be found on the UK List of Authorised Biocidal Products[69].

Depending on when and where they are used, some rodenticides might not be controlled under GB or EU BPR, for example, if they are used on crops in the field they might be controlled under the:


By their nature, all biocidal products carry potential risks to people, non-target animals and/or the environment. Rodenticides can often carry a higher risk than some other biocidal products because the way that they are used and how they look and smell, might mean that children, pets and other non-target animals are more likely to be harmed by them.

Rodenticides can be grouped according to their mode of action, meaning, the way they work. The mode of action of a biocidal product usually depends on the active substance it contains. One of the most commonly used groups is the anticoagulant rodenticides.

Risk assessments carried out by regulators, including HSE, have shown that anticoagulants present a higher risk to people and non-target animals than is normally acceptable for authorisation in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Under GB BPR and EU BPR, products with unacceptable levels of risk may still be authorised if it can be shown that the negative impact on society of not allowing their use would outweigh the risks of using them. However, this can only be done if the risks can be minimised with specific measures.

One of the ways of minimising these risks is to minimise the use of anticoagulants wherever possible. If you need to deal with a rodent problem, it is important to remember to consider other available control methods, such as those listed above, before reaching for anticoagulant products.

However, it is recognised that alternative methods may have limitations, and some may not be suitable to be used in certain locations or by some types of users. Effective strategies for controlling rodents are therefore based on having a wide range of options available, including both chemical and non-chemical methods.

As biocidal products are recognised as being one of this range of options necessary for the effective control of rodents, it is also important to ensure that their effectiveness is maintained. If rodent populations build up resistance to biocidal products, our ability to effectively control them could be significantly reduced. The 2 main strategies in minimising this are:

  • minimising the use of biocidal products where possible
  • maintaining the availability of a variety of such products with differing modes of action

To maintain effective rodent control, it is therefore appropriate to continue to have as full a range of methods available as possible, including the anticoagulant rodenticides. The danger and economic costs of rodents spreading diseases, damaging property and disrupting food supplies and the negative impact that would have on society mean it is appropriate to authorise anticoagulant rodenticides, but with strict controls to help minimise the risks.

General public users

In order to ensure rodenticides are used as safely as possible by the general public, rodenticide products may be restricted in ways such as:

  • the amount of active substance they contain
  • where they can be used (for example only within a bait box)
  • the maximum pack size that can be sold

Professional users

In order to ensure rodenticides are able to be used as safely as possible by professional users, rodenticide products may be restricted in ways such as:

  • the pack size that can be sold
  • to whom they can be sold
  • the types of treatment programmes that can be used (for example no permanent baiting)

Additionally, the use of anticoagulant rodenticides by professional users in Great Britain and Northern Ireland must follow the requirements of one of the UK rodenticide stewardship regimes.

UK rodenticide stewardship regimes

In order to ensure that the risks associated with the professional use of anticoagulant rodenticides are able to be properly managed, manufacturers, users and other stakeholders were invited to look for ways to manage and improve good practice by professional users and in other areas such as the supply chain. This led to an agreement between stakeholders and the UK Government for the need for rodenticide stewardship.

Regime principles

The UK Government set out a number of principles that should form the basis of any industry-led stewardship regime:

  • use of Integrated Pest Management, including use of rodenticides, involving a hierarchy of risk controls for rodents
  • responsible use of rodenticides, when demonstrated they are needed, because of their potential threat to human, animal health and the environment
  • applicability to all suppliers, handlers and professional users of rodenticides approved under stewardship to address these risks
  • the need for the regime to be robust, effective and workable, while remaining as simple as possible
  • the need for the regime to cover the whole life-cycle of the rodenticide products: manufacture, supply chain, end-use, disposal and environmental fate
  • the enabling of good practice in the control of rodent populations, as part of an Integrated Pest Management system, while minimising resistance build-up and secondary poisoning in non-target species
  • delivery of key benefits, such as:
    • governance of the supply chain, which gives governance over, and provides the driver for, later stages
    • a competent workforce capable of delivering stewardship standards and of demonstrating an appropriate understanding and attitude toward case-specific control of rodents and use of rodenticides
    • monitoring compliance with the regime and its environmental impacts, and if possible of the level of conflict reduction (an assessment of whether rodenticides and stewardship together are actually tackling the problems)

The UK Rodenticide Stewardship Government Oversight Group (GOG) is responsible for reviewing the regimes to ensure the principles set out by the UK Government continue to be met. HSE chairs the GOG and other representatives include:

  • HSE NI
  • Public Health England
  • Natural England
  • Welsh Government
  • Scottish Government
  • an independent scientific adviser

The GOG releases an annual report on rodenticide stewardship which can be viewed below.

Existing UK rodenticide stewardship regimes

Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use UK (CRRU UK)

The Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use UK (CRRU UK)[75] has developed a stewardship regime in the UK that meets the regime principles set out by the UK Government.

The CRRU UK regime was developed with a number of different industry sectors, including:

  • manufacturing (active substances and products)
  • distribution
  • professional pest control
  • gamekeeping
  • farming

The CRRU UK regime includes a framework of:

  • guidelines for safe and effective use set out in a code of best practice
  • training
  • certification
  • auditing
  • point of sale verification of competence
  • supply chain governance
  • effective communication across target sectors

Link URLs in this page

  1. Biocides
  2. Biocides: Introduction
  3. Overview
  4. Biocides: active substance status
  5. Importing and exporting
  6. Certificates of Free Sale and Export Statements
  7. Treated articles
  8. Monitoring traps
  9. Article 3(3) decisions on scope
  10. In situ generation
  11. Get product on UK market
  12. Overview
  13. Honey bees
  14. Rodenticides
  15. Reporting exposure
  16. Biocides enforcement
  17. Authorities and activities
  18. Overview
  19. UK Review Programme
  20. Active substances: How to apply
  21. Simplified active substances
  22. The GB List of Active Substances
  23. GB Article 95: The basics
  24. GB Article 95: How to apply
  25. The GB Article 95 List
  26. Technical equivalence of an active substance
  27. Overview
  28. National authorisation
  29. Simplified authorisation
  30. Same biocidal product authorisation
  31. Change or cancel a biocidal product authorisation
  32. Renew an existing product authorisation
  33. Research and development
  34. Essential use authorisation
  35. Critical situation permits
  36. Food and feed derogations
  37. Unfettered access notification
  38. Overview
  39. Advertisement requirements
  40. Packaging and labelling requirements
  41. Record keeping
  42. Informing NPIS
  43. Overview
  44. Access to documents: Biocidal active substances and products
  45. Data sharing in GB
  46. Vertebrate testing
  47. GB BPR fees
  48. Biocides regulations
  49. Northern Ireland
  50. Existing products: Transfer to GB BPR
  51. Overview
  52. COPR approval: how to apply
  53. COPR product approval types
  54. COPR approved products
  55. COPR fees
  56. COPR labelling
  57. Conditions of approval
  58. Open invitations and notifications
  59. Consultations and surveys
  60. Consultations: Submitting information
  61. Overview
  62. Glossary
  63. Useful links
  64. Contact
  65. Service standards
  66. Temporary changes to GB biocides application processing times
  67. product type 19
  68. product type 14
  69. UK List of Authorised Biocidal Products
  70. GB Plant Protection Products Regulation (GB PPPR) in Great Britain
  71. 2020 Report on Rodenticides Stewardship Regime
  72. 2019 Report on Rodenticides Stewardship Regime
  73. 2018 Report on Rodenticides Stewardship Regime
  74. 2017 Report on Rodenticides Stewardship Regime
  75. Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use UK (CRRU UK)
  76. The law
  77. UK authorised biocidal products
  78. Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use UK (CRRU UK)
  79. Natural England advisory leaflets and guidance notes
  80. More resources
  81. Brexit: Implications for Northern Ireland
  82. Product authorisation overview
  83. Using biocides overview

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Control of Pesticides Regulations

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Updated 2025-03-12