
What's the problem?

Carelessly parked vehicles are responsible for many of the injuries and deaths that result from Workplace transport accidents.

This guidance should be followed to help avoid problems.


Vehicles should be parked on firm and level ground, in a designated parking area if one is available.

People in charge of a workplace should consider parking areas. Area's should be:

  • Level
  • Firm
  • Well lit
  • Clearly marked, with safe walking areas

Where vehicles have to be parked on a slope, they should:

  • be parked facing up or down the slope, never sideways on.
  • have their brakes applied
  • be left in gear (when it is safe to do so).
  • wheel-chocks must be used when necessary.

Drivers must NEVER leave their vehicles without making sure that the vehicle and its trailer are securely braked.

  • People in control of workplaces where trailers are parked must make sure that drivers know trailer brakes MUST be used. Vehicle brakes are NOT designed to make trailers safe. Warning signs and instructions to divers are some ways to help make sure that trailer breaks are used.

A vehicle should not be left unless the brakes have been firmly applied, the engine stopped, the starter key removed, and any mounted equipment lowered to the ground. Remember:

  • Brakes ON
  • Engine OFF
  • Key OUT
  • Equipment SAFE

Always secure the keys of vehicles left parked in workplaces overnight, at weekends, or when they are being left for long periods.

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