Equipment and machinery
Introduction to machinery safety[1]
Assessing risk, choosing the right machine and control measures
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations [2]
A summary of how the PUWER Regulations apply to work equipment
Products and market surveillance[3]
Supply, manufacturing, refurbishing, second-hand and defective products
Are you a...?[4]
Designer, installer, purchaser, supplier or user
Placing equipment and machinery on the market after Brexit [5]
Using CE and UKCA marking
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations [6]
Comply with the LOLER Regulations and lift work equipment safely
Powered gates[7]
The law, your responsibilities, safe use and reporting a concern
Frequently asked questions[8]
Hiring, installing, lifting, supplying, buying, powered gates, UKCA
Links to information on equipment, machinery and product safety
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