Warning on deadly wood dust cancer

A carpenter who was given a false negative cancer result at an Eastbourne hospital died of an occupational tumour, an inquest has heard. The carpenter died at his home on Christmas Day 2009 from cancer of the nose. At an inquest at Eastbourne Magistrates Court into the death of the 67-year-old, the coroner was told the deceased had been transferred to the hospital by his doctor after complaining of sinus problems. After various examinations and tests, samples from the tumour were sent for analysis. The tests came back as benign but two-and-a-half months later the carpenter was diagnosed with cancer. The Coroner recorded a verdict of industrial disease.

Eastbourne Herald - Hopes inquest will highlight danger of working with wood

Link URLs in this page

  1. Information sheets & Circular saw posterhttps://www.hse.gov.uk/woodworking/wis.htm
  2. Safe use of woodworking machinery Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (ACOP)https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/l114.htm

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Updated 2024-10-11