Position statement: WISH restructure

December 2012

Statement is for use by WISH members when replying to queries

  1. WISH (Waste Industry Safety and Health) Forum is a multi-party group made up of organisations broadly representing the waste and recycling industry. WISH members include representatives from HSE, main trade associations, professional associations, trade unions, recycling organisations and national and local government bodies involved in waste management and recycling. Its purpose is to provide information, identify solutions and stimulate action across the industry to ensure the health, safety and well-being of those working in the industry and those affected by its activities.
  2. WISH has been in existence for more than 10 years and has been instrumental in the production of health and safety guidance and initiatives for the waste and resources industry.
  3. Over the years as the waste and resources industry has diversified and expanded and the membership of WISH has likewise expanded. The WISH Forum has now reached the point where to admit further members under its current structure risks the group being unable to function effectively. Set against this, there are organisations currently not represented on WISH which have a valid rationale for being included – and with the expansion and diversification of the industry continuing this situation is only likely to be exacerbated in the future. As a result the two key challenges currently facing WISH are:
    • How to continue to be truly representative of the waste and resources industry in all of its aspects and diversity today and in the future
    • And, considering the above how to remain action-centered and able to function effectively without becoming moribund or simply a talking-shop
  4. Considering these challenges WISH has decided to restructure. From being one grouping WISH will change to being multi-layered to address the issues of inclusivity, representation and effectiveness. In outline the proposed new structure of WISH will be:
    • An over-arching WISH Steering Group whose main duties will be to propose strategy and to over-see WISH working groups aimed at specific initiatives. Members of the WISH Steering Group will be confirmed at an annual meeting of the full WISH membership
    • Representative WISH members – organisations which represent sectors or aspects of the waste and resources industry, such as trade bodies, professional bodies, trade unions, local government bodies etc
    • Affiliate WISH members – organisations which do not represent sectors or aspects of the industry, such as individual local authorities, commercial companies etc
    • WISH working groups – active groups composed of WISH members (and external persons as may be required) aimed at specific projects, for example guidance for a specific sector of the waste and resources industry, standard setting for a specific aspect such as training or research aimed at a specific health and safety aspect such as occupational health
    • WISH strategy – the overarching strategy that WISH will work towards and which will inform specific initiatives to be tackled by working groups
    • WISH Annual Meeting – a meeting of the full WISH membership during which the WISH Steering Group composition, WISH Strategy and direction of WISH work groups can be presented, discussed and voted on
  5. An interim WISH Steering Group was formed in the summer of 2012. The group has developed the detail of the new WISH Forum structure and moving forward has agreed that WISH should adopt the wider HSE industry strategy (which incorporates the original WISH Forum strategy), A joint HSE/WISH industry summit event will be held in February 2013 which it is hoped will stimulate ideas for actions and greater engagement and involvement from the wider industry in delivering solutions ideally through the WISH Forum.
  6. In graphic form the proposed new WISH structure may be represented as below:
    WISH structure
  7. The roadmap for WISH under this new structure is:
    • July 2012: Dissolution of old WISH structure and formation of WISH Steering Group
    • September 2012: Adoption of wider HSE strategy for the industry
    • 7 February 2013: WISH/HSE national summit event
    • March 2013 onwards: Confirmation of new WISH structure, establishment of working groups and ongoing functioning of WISH under its new structure
  8. Any interested party which comments to make on the new WISH structure should contact the Chairman, Chris Jones, cjones@coryenvironmental.co.uk,, or the secretary, Toni Gladding, t.l.gladding@open.ac.uk
  9. Organisations seeking to join WISH under its new structure should refer to the WISH constitution[1] under the section relevant to the type of membership being sought.

Link URLs in this page

  1. WISH constitutionhttps://www.hse.gov.uk/waste/wish.htm
  2. Safety bulletinshttps://www.hse.gov.uk/safetybulletins/index.htm
  3. Statisticshttps://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/assets/docs/waste-recycling.pdf
  4. Local authoritieshttps://www.hse.gov.uk/lau/index.htm
  5. RIDDOR reportinghttps://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/index.htm

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Updated 2020-07-30