This page provides links to sources of information and guidance on health and safety in the waste management and recycling industries.
Chemical waste
Falls from height (general)
- Inspecting fall arrest equipment made from webbing or rope (INDG367) [4]
- Working at height: A brief guide (INDG401)[5]
- Stay clean - stay healthy: Looking after your health in the waste/recycling industry (INDG415] (PDF) [6]
- Work equipment and machinery[7]
- Buying new machinery: a short guide (INDG271)[8]
- Providing and using work equipment safely: A brief guide (INDG291) [9]
- Do you use a steam/water pressure cleaner? (INDG68) (PDF) [10]
- Controlling the risks in the workplace (INDG163) (PDF) [11]
- Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare[12]
- Risk assessment[13]
Landfill fires - controlling the risk[14]
- Baling machine guidance can be found in section 8 of INDG392 - recover paper safely (INDG 392) [15]
- Crushing[16]
Manual handling and musculoskeletal disorders
- Conveyor belt workstation design[17]
- Manual Handling: Guidance on the Regulations[18]
- Upper Limb Disorders in the Workplace[19]
- HSE Manual handling website[20]
Metal recycling and motor vehicle dismantling
- Lead and you (INDG 305) [21]
- How to reduce exposure to dioxins in aluminium recycling (INDG377) (PDF) [22]
- Is it explosive? Dangers of explosives in metal recycling (INDG335) (PDF) [23]
- Storing and handling airbags and seat belt pretensioners safely[25]
- Safe use of petrol in garages (INDG331) [26]
- Safe working with vehicle air-conditioning systems (INDG349) (PDF) [27]
- Using electric storage batteries safely (INDG 139) (PDF) [28]
- Working with Nickel - are you at risk? (INDG351) (PDF) [29]
- Safe working with LPG-fuelled motor vehicles (INDG387)[30]
Guidance on work with liquefied petroleum fuelled vehicles (autogas) can be found on the UKLPG[31] website.
Paper recycling
Guidance for the Recovered Paper Industry (INDG392)[32]
Plastics waste and recycling
Fire and explosion risks from pentane in expandable polystyrene (EPS) PPIS1 (PDF) [33]
Slips and trips (general)
Transport (general)
- Managing Vehicle Safety at the Workplace (INDG199) [36]
- Research report RR018 - Management of work related road safety[37]
- Research report RR020 - The contribution of individual factors to driving behaviour: implications for managing work-related road safety[38]
Transport (industry-specific)
- Hook loader vehicles: Applicability of Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) [39]
- Sheeting/Unsheeting tipper lorries[40]
- Safe use of skip loaders (INDG378)[41]