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Information and training for operators and supervisors

Unless you have succeeded in preventing vibration exposures entirely by eliminating all processes which involve HAV, you will need the co-operation of your workforce to help make your control measures effective. It is important that you provide your operators and their supervisors with information about the risks from vibration and that they receive the required instruction and training in the correct use and maintenance of the equipment (your employees have a duty to co-operate when you take action to comply with health and safety legislation). You should consult employees' safety representatives about the planning and organisation of your health and safety training.

They may also need to be trained in working techniques, for example to help avoid excessive gripping, pushing and guiding forces and to ensure the tools are operated safely and with optimum efficiency. With some tools, the operator's hands must be in the correct position to avoid unnecessarily high vibration exposure. Many modern vibration-reduced tools, such as breakers with suspended handles, do not deliver the lower vibration emissions unless they are operated correctly. The manufacturer or supplier should advise you of any training requirements, and may offer training for operators. Workers should also be encouraged to:

  • Use the lightest tool capable of doing the work safely and efficiently;
  • Support the tool as much as possible on the material being worked, letting its weight provide the downward force;
  • Rest hand-held workpieces on any support provided; and
  • Hold the tool, machine or workpiece with a light but safe grip.

Finally, adequate training and supervision will be required to ensure that your workers are adopting the practices listed above for protecting themselves against the development of vibration-related disease. They should be encouraged to report any symptoms (such as numbness, tingling or whiteness of the fingers), which may be associated with exposure to vibration.

If your employees are in a health surveillance scheme you should explain the importance of this, and give them information on the findings. This may provide a regular opportunity for one-to-one discussions of the vibration hazard and how to reduce the risk.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Vibration
  2. Hand arm vibration
  3. About this website
  4. Key messages
  5. Worried about your hands
  6. Overview - Advice for employers
  7. Employers responsibilities
  8. Assess risk
  9. Overview - How to protect workers
  10. Control risk
  11. Information and training
  12. Health surveillance
  13. Overview - Good practice
  14. Overview - Foundries
  15. Eliminate fettling by improving casting quality
  16. Machining as a substitute for fettling
  17. Automatic fettling
  18. Jig-mounting of grinders
  19. Semi-automatic cut off machine
  20. Isolated casting cut off
  21. Installation of hydraulic cropping machine
  22. Shell knockout 1
  23. Shell knockout 2
  24. Hydraulic pushout
  25. Ladle slag chipping
  26. Overview - Construction
  27. Preparing a code of practice
  28. Construction Industry Council guidance
  29. Mounted breaker
  30. Directional drilling
  31. Crushing concrete
  32. Bursting concrete
  33. Diamond wire cutting
  34. Water jetting
  35. Codes of Practice from the Water Jetting Association
  36. Grit blasting
  37. Paint-on retarder
  38. Special formwork
  39. Overview - Steel fabrication
  40. Machining
  41. Laser cutting
  42. Plasma cutting
  43. Noise reduction in the ship repair industry – research report 1992
  44. Abrasive blasters
  45. Overview - Regulations
  46. Inspector briefing
  47. Overview - Resources
  48. Publications
  49. Research
  50. Statistics
  51. Useful links
  52. Vibration calculator
  53. Overview - Case studies
  54. (HAVS) in two motor companies
  55. Monitoring exposure to Hand-Arm Vibration
  56. Overview - Supply project events
  57. Controlling vibration
  58. Q & A on hand tools
  59. Q & A on using a vibration consultant
  60. Q & A on health surveillance
  61. Control of noise in heavy fabrication SIM 03/1001/14
  62. Hand-arm vibration at work: A brief guide
  63. Hand-arm vibration: Advice for employees
  64. Advice for employers
  65. Regulations
  66. How to protect workers
  67. Construction
  68. Engineering
  69. Motor vehicle repair
  70. Noise
  71. Quarries
  72. Agriculture

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