Manual handling in the textile industry

This guidance is aimed at manufacturers and workers in the textile industry, including warehouse and delivery staff.

It highlights some common problems with manual handling and suggests possible solutions.

The information here replaces that given in the leaflet Manual handling in the textiles industry (IACL 103), which has been withdrawn.

More general information and guidance on musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and manual handling can also be found at the following links:

Manual handling - the problems

Musculoskeletal problems often stem from poor work place or job design.  Among the most common examples of risky activities include:

  • heavy or awkward loads;
  • difficulty in gripping;
  • excessive use of force;
  • repetition; and
  • twisting and other awkward postures.

Some of these problems linked to the textile industry are outlined in more detail below, together with possible solutions.

Manual handling - some solutions

Handling bales


Usually in delivery and storage areas


  • Bales are generally too heavy to be handled without mechanical help
  • Manual movement of bales can present a serious risk of injury, even the use of hand trucks should be kept to a minimum


  • use more than one worker to do the job, particularly when getting the bale onto a truck
  • use hand hooks to grip the bale
  • use lift and clamp trucks, roller conveyors, appropriate hand trucks
  • maintain floor surfaces

Handling bundles of processed fibre


Packaging areas and close to carding and gilling machines


  • size, shape and weight of bundle (typically 9 to 22 kg)
  • repetitive nature of the task
  • reaching and stooped postures adopted when lifting from bins
  • forces needed to pull and manoeuvre bundles before lifting
  • container bins are often used to collect bundles before they are transferred to packing containers - the worker has to lean and reach into the bin to grasp the bundle
  • the build-up of bundles also adds to the physical effort needed to pull and lift them clear of the bin


  • improve access to the bundles, eg with removable sections on the sides of collection bins
  • ensure bundles can be lifted from waist height and close to the body
  • if possible, install a direct conveyor belt from the collector bin to the packing container
  • consider carefully the way work is organised, eg:
    •  move workers between a number of different jobs (job rotation)
    • increase the range of tasks within a job to lengthen the handling cycle (job enlargement)
  • provide recovery time where handling is not used

Handling rolls


  • often close to machinery, eg lifting to and from weaving machines
  • in storage and despatch areas, eg lifting to and from shelves, racks, trolleys and stillages
  • in quality control areas, eg weighing


  • weight and size of roll
  • awkward postures adopted due to lack of space (reaching)
  • stooping and twisting, especially if lifting from a low level
  • grasping difficulties, where it is often necessary to change the grip during the lift
  • when lifting and handling in teams of two or more people:
    • uneven distribution of weight between individuals
    • differences in strength and stature
    • difficulties in co-ordinating the lift


  • consider mechanical methods of handling the rolls, for example
  • a conveyor
  • mounting roller tracks on table tops means that the rolls can be maintained at a comfortable working height
  • the rolls rest on smooth, flat, lightweight boards, reducing friction, as well as preventing the cloth from being damaged
  • organise rolls according to weight so that heavier rolls are stored at a convenient height for handling
  • adjustable width stacker – specially designed for lifting and lowering rolls in storage areas:
    • a roller track attached to the top of two support arms allows rolls to be passed easily to and from storage racks
    • the height of the trolley is easily adjusted using a foot pump
    • resting on wheels, it can be manoeuvred easily
    • trolley specially designed for transporting and manoeuvring rolls about the confined spaces often found close to looms:
      • the trolley is small and has two central load-bearing wheels with two smaller wheels at either end which allow it to be easily manoeuvred
      • a raised handle down one side of the trolley ensures the worker does not have to stoop
  • consider using a simple lifting arm to raise rolls onto a work surface
  • consider using an automated conveyor system to transport rolls to despatch
  • rolls over a certain weight can be sent to a boom truck pick-up point for loading, while lighter rolls are diverted to a manual pick-up point
  • a gap in the conveyor will allow workers to pick up the roll up at its balance point, before carrying it to the vehicle; the conveyor can be used by left- and right-handed people
  • designing the layout of the work area is most important, bear in mind
    • the need to use maximum capacity in storage areas often means that access to items is difficult
    • planning and good house-keeping will help reduce the likelihood rolls being presented at shoulder height

Handling loosely folded cloth


Common to a number of intermediate stages of the production process, eg moving cloth to or from machines, inspection and quality control areas, including lifting to or from weighing scales


  • the weight of the cloth
  • its unstable nature, eg its tendency to sag, which results in more effort when lifting onto raised surfaces because arms must be raised so much higher than the work surface
  • the difficulties of ensuring a firm grasp on the load
  • the problems associated with people lifting in teams


  • a lightweight 'stretcher-board' which not only reduces the distance through which the load is lifted but also improves its stability and provides for a more even distribution of weight between two lifters (the board also has suitably designed hand-holds which improve grip and the ability to apply the necessary force during the lift)
  • a weighing scale mounted into the floor close to the workstation - rather than transferring cloth onto weighing scales and then putting it onto storage trolleys, the loaded trolley can be wheeled onto the scale for the cloth to be weighed, removing the need to lift the cloth

Handling boxes


Mainly in delivery and storage areas, including to and from vehicles


  • size, shape and weight of boxes
  • awkward and constrained postures when lifting to and from storage racks
  • difficulty grasping the load securely


  • a system suspended on an overhead rail, the device is free to move within the storage area
    • pneumatic grippers grasp the box securely and scales built into a roller conveyor compensate for the weight of the load, allowing it to be moved with minimal effort
    • the device can be adapted to suit a range of different items and containers
  • vacuum-operated handling/lifting equipment
  • consider mounting weighing scales in the floor or, alternatively, increasing the height of the surrounding work area to bring it in line with the height of the weighing scales
  • conveyor belts offer flexible and effective means by which to transport packaged material over long distances - these can be powered or non-powered and are available with flexible telescopic arms which can be adjusted to suit a range of different applications (the angle of the extended arm can be easily adjusted to suit the height at which the boxes are passed to the conveyor belt)
  • speak to suppliers to try and identify a packaging design that best suits the manual handling devices available


While reducing the weight of containers has significant benefits for most manual handling, in some instances, large, heavy containers may be more beneficial, discouraging manual handling and encouraging the use of mechanised procedures.

Lifting to and from bins, stillages, trolleys and machinery


Found in most areas but particularly common close to machinery


Awkward trunk postures when lifting from the bottom of bins, trolleys and stillages with rigid sides (eg bucket trolleys)


  • trolley fitted with a self-levelling base
    • the base is suspended from each corner of the trolley by four springs and, as material is removed, the suspended base rises, maintaining a constant height from which to lift (the opposite occurs when material is added)
    • an inner lining prevents material from being caught in the springs - spring tension can be varied depending on the weight of the material being carried
  • if  self-levelling bucket trolleys are unsuitable, then consider whether improved access to the base of the trolley can be achieved by providing drop-down sides or tilting the trolley towards the worker

Handling of cones to and from boxes


Cones of spun yarn being removed from a conveyor and replaced by empty bobbins


Awkward postures, eg bending and reaching sideways into the bottom of the stillage


  • tilting platforms enable both trolleys to be angled towards the worker allowing easier access to the contents
  • raising the height of the conveyor track and providing suitable seating also improve the posture the person adopts throughout the handling operation

Moving drums of dye


Awkward handling postures


A simple purpose-made trolley, ie a trolley with its base at the same level as the raised storage shelf, making the transfer of drums easier (this kind of trolley can only help where the floor is suitable; the wheels will need to be maintained so that they run smoothly)

Working around machinery


Awkward and forceful postures often stem from the way people interact with machinery


Modifying machinery is expensive but simple tools to assist handling can provide a cost-effective alternative, eg hand tool designed to lock onto the head of the bobbin allows the hand and arm to adopt much more suitable positions

Handling heavy yarn packages


  • use a mechanical handling device suspended from an overhead support or rail that grips the centre of the package and, by balancing and supporting the load, helps with lifting and manoeuvring the packages
  • it is important to consider the size of individual users in relation to the machinery that they operate
    • if one person has responsibility for one or several pieces of machinery, then ensure that the handling aids provided are suitable for the individual
    • where several operators use the same machinery, then consider handling aids which can be adjusted easily



Maintenance tasks can lead to some of the most hazardous handling operations:

  • often performed in confined and restricted space in and around machines
  • while many are routine and frequently undertaken, some are more varied and unpredictable requiring more effort to plan and control the activity
  • some tasks require workers to support heavy components while bolts are removed or replaced
  • the main risk factors are the weight of the component parts (often in excess of 50 kg), restricted access and consequent awkward postures, and insecure footing


  • planning during machine installation, eg by allowing access, providing overhead hoists and lifting points such as eyebolts
  • otherwise, flexible multi-purpose handling devices can be more practical than alterations to the workplace
  • mobile hoists and even motor vehicle jacks can provide mechanical assistance
  • aim to minimise handling requiring changes in height and the supporting of heavy loads
  • handling tool boxes is often taken for granted and yet this too can involve repetitive lifting of heavy loads, usually with one hand – consider using a simple tool-box trolley
  • good maintenance also includes the regular upkeep of machinery and good housekeeping, eg trolleys are used extensively throughout the industry and play a major part in reducing manual handling - however:
    • poorly maintained wheels can become clogged with waste material or stick due to wear, increasing the force that must be exerted to move them
    • systematic cleaning and maintenance of wheels, perhaps including a simple record, will help ensure that risks of injury are minimised.
    • well-maintained floors will also benefit the users of trolleys

Link URLs in this page

  1. Musculoskeletal Disorders
  2. Reducing manual handling risks in carpet retail
  3. Manual handling and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
  4. Work equipment
  5. Noise
  6. Pressure systems
  7. Logistics / warehousing
  8. Workplace transport
  9. Asbestos

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Updated 2024-08-14