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Report accidents and illness

In law, you must report certain workplace injuries, near-misses and cases of work-related disease to HSE. This duty is under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, known as RIDDOR.

Our RIDDOR pages explain what must be reported[1] and how to make a report[2].

Keep records

If you have more than 10 employees, you must keep an accident book under social security law. You can buy one from HSE Books[3] or record the details in your own record system.

Keeping records of incidents helps you to identify patterns of accidents and injuries, so you can better assess and manage risk in your workplace.

Records can also be helpful when you are dealing with your insurance company.

Make sure you protect people's personal details by storing records confidentially in a secure place.

Link URLs in this page

  1. what must be reported
  2. how to make a report
  3. You can buy one from HSE Books
  4. The basics for your business: Health and safety basics for your business
  5. How and when to report
  6. Reporting accidents and incidents

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