
HSE carried out an extensive period of informal consultation with industry from summer 2012 to the launch of the public consultation in May 2014, attending over 30 events and speaking to more than 2000 people.  All the views, opinions and suggestions made at these events were taken into consideration in drafting the COMAH Regulations 2015.

A formal consultation CD266 was held between 2 May – 27 June 2014.

HSE would like to thank all those who responded to the consultation and took the time to give us their opinions and views on the proposed Regulations.  All responses will be read and analysed and taken into consideration when final decisions are made.  Further details on the outcome of the consultation will be published as they are available.


HSE will continue to be involved in trade association events during 2014 as resources permit. 

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Updated: 2023-12-18