This letter was distributed to the recipients indicated below in May 2009
To: Chief Executives and Governing Bodies of: Local Authorities, Housing Associations, and Social Housing Management Companies in England, Scotland and Wales
Dear Colleagues,
The attached Advisory note on the refurbishment of housing stock likely to contain asbestos provides guidance to social landlords including local authorities, housing associations and social housing management companies who may commission such work. It is relevant to refurbishment programmes that aim to meet the Decent Homes Standard, Scottish Housing Quality Standard, Welsh Housing Quality Standard or similar such capital projects where you are the client under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. The principles contained within it are equally applicable to routine refurbishment/ maintenance work commissioned by all landlords.
The Advisory Note sets out how you as a client should manage the risks of exposure of workers to asbestos to comply with current legislation.
It is important that this guidance is shared with all organisations that are likely to act as clients for the refurbishment and maintenance of social housing. Please can you use any relevant networks to promulgate this advice with organisations that you work in partnership with.
Yours sincerely,
David Bryant
Public Services Sector - Government, Defence and Education