Professional Organisations in Occupational Safety and Health (POOSH) members in Scotland

This publication identifies how to access Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) services within Scotland in relation to each of the above.

Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (ACPOHE)

logo for Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Occupational Health and Ergonomics (ACPOHE)

ACPOHE is a special interest group recognised by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, which promotes best practise in the field of Occupational Health Physiotherapy. Members work in diverse settings, including manufacturing and service industries, health care, ergonomic consultancies and private practise.

Finding a practitioner

ACPOHE maintain a database of members, which delineates the individual services available, whether members are available for freelance work including the delivery of lectures/presentations. For details contact

Types of support available

  • Clinical practice
  • Education and training
  • Ergonomics practice
  • Health promotion and fitness
  • Functional Capacity Evaluation
  • Pre-employment screening
  • Health and Safety Training
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management

Further details available through ACPOHE[1].

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British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)

logo for British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)

BOHS members promote best practice in occupational hygiene through the recognition, evaluation and control of health hazards arising from work.

Finding a practitioner

BOHS maintain a Directory of Occupational Hygiene Consultants[2], which lists consultancies able to provide qualified and experienced occupational hygienists and specialist occupational hygiene support services, with coverage throughout the UK. All contacts within the directory are Faculty members. All such members must participate in the Faculty's CPD scheme and may use the term 'Registered Occupational Hygienist'.

Designatory letters

  • FFOH - Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene
  • MFOH - Member of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene
  • LFOH - Licentiate of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene.
  • MFOH(s) - Specialist Member of the Faculty of Occupational Hygiene

Types of support available

  • Workplace health risk assessments & management
  • Measurement and control of chemical, physical (eg noise & vibration) and biological agents (eg legionella)
  • Process design to eliminate or control health hazards
  • Control advice and testing eg LEVs
  • Education and Training

Courses and qualifications

The Faculty of Occupational Hygiene awards qualifications in occupational hygiene and allied subjects, these are available in modular format and are particularly suitable for those with a broad health and safety background who wish to extend their competence. They are usually taken at the end of short training courses run by external course providers [3]throughout the UK.

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Division of Occupational Psychology-Scotland (DOP-S)

logo for Division of Occupational Psychology - Scotland

DOP-S[4] is a regional group of the Division of Occupational Psychology, part of the British Psychological Society. Formed in January 2005, DOP-S was set up to formally represents DOP members who are resident in Scotland to professional, political and administrative bodies in Scotland. DOP-S respond to issues and emerging initiatives pertinent to the profession of occupational psychology

Finding a practitioner

The DOP-S parent organization The British Psychological Society maintains a Directory of Chartered Psychologists[5], which may be used to identify occupational psychologist support available to individuals and organizations in Scotland. Members of DOP-S, who tend to be based in Scotland's Central belt, operate to National Occupational Standards, and participate in CPD to maintain and enhance their professional skills.

Designatory letters

Membership grades in DOP-S are the same as those of The Division of Occupational Psychology. The grade proffered reflects the various levels of knowledge, experience and contributions to the profession.

  • FBPSS/AFBPSS - Fellow/Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, recognized for achievement and contribution to the profession.
  • C.Psych - Chartered Psychologist – someone whose professional practice has been independently assessed to meet required standards; likely to have a post-graduate degree and at least 3 years experience; required to operate to the BPS's Code of Practice and participate in CPD to maintain and enhance their professional skills.
  • PiT - Practitioner in Training – someone who is currently undergoing the process to become Chartered, under supervision of a Chartered Psychologist.

Types of support available

Occupational Psychologists' work is very varied and there are a number of fields that they can specialise in.  Occupational Psychologists who work in occupational health and safety are typically involved in the following activities:

  • Assisting organisations tackle work-related stress: carrying out stress risk assessments, delivering training, advising on stress/ wellbeing policies;
  • Assessing and developing organisation's safety culture;
  • Helping organisations understand human factors: eg why people behave unsafely and how this can be changed;

Other common activities for occupational psychologists are:

  • Assisting in selection exercises for junior and senior positions through the use of psychometric measurement of personality and ability
  • Developing skills in staff through group interventions (eg workshops, training) or individual coaching

A recent survey identified the two key areas of activity for DOP-S members as assessment and stress/well-being; with a smaller number involved in health and safety. 

Courses and qualifications

DOP offer access to a suite of Learning for Living Master classes and Workshops, which provide the opportunity for close, interactive working with experts who are world-renowned in their field.

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Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF)

logo for Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors

The CIEHF is an international organisation for professionals using knowledge of human abilities and limitations to design and build for comfort, efficiency, productivity and safety. Its activities include developing the practise of ergonomics, encouraging and maintaining high standards of professional practise via education, accreditation and professional development, and raising awareness of ergonomics. The Scottish Ergonomics Forum provides the opportunity to share best practise at a local level.

Finding a practitioner

The CIEHF maintains a list of consultancies[6], which can demonstrate a defined standard of expertise in ergonomics, encompassing computer work, health and safety, training, expert witness, industrial and product design, organisational management, transport and the environment.

Designatory letters


FIEHF - Fellow of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors MIEHF – Member of the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors

Types of support available;

  • Specialist risk assessment
  • Expert witness
  • Ergonomics and product design
  • Ergonomics and work design
  • Formulating ergonomics policy
  • Environment and well-being
  • Training

Courses and qualifications

Degree level 'qualifying courses', provide the full formal education needed to gain employment as an ergonomist. None of these are currently available in Scotland. The IEHF maintains a register of short courses where the content reflects one of the five 'Knowledge Areas' underpinning the role of the ergonomist;

  • Anatomy, anthropometry and physiology in human activity.
  • Environmental stressors (performance shaping factors) and psychophysiology
  • Socio-technical systems
  • General and organisational psychology
  • Survey and research methods specified for Registered Membership applicants.

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Faculty of Occupational Medicine

logo for Faculty of Occupational Medicine

The Faculty of Occupational Medicine's primary concerns are the promotion and protection of workers' health and the maintenance of high standards of education and practice in occupational medicine. The Faculty oversees the specialist training programme for occupational medicine in the UK for which it has recently developed the new curriculum, effective from 1st August 2007. There are various grades of membership, incorporating both specialist and non-specialist doctors.

Finding a practitioner

FOM does not hold a list of occupational physicians available for employment such information is available from the SOM who can provide this information for a small fee Occupational health Physicians available for work in Scotland[7].

Members vary from full time specialists to those expressing an interest in occupational medicine whilst working in, for instance, general practice. However, many members of the Society will also hold a qualification awarded by the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FOM). FOM develops and maintains high standards of training, competence and professional integrity in occupational medicine. FOM members are involved in both CPD and Revalidation, the former assists in keeping up to date in order to meet the needs of patients, the health service and their own professional development. The latter is the mechanism by which doctors demonstrate that they remain up to date and fit to practice.

Designatory letters

  • DOccMed – Diploma in Occupational Medicine. The Diploma in Occupational Medicine is aimed at doctors who are not occupational medicine specialists but who wish to develop their skills in this area; it is typically taken by general practitioners, to enhance their work with their own patients, to enable them to offer occupational health sessions to local employers or to act as an Approved Doctor.  It is awarded by examination following a minimum of 55 hours study at an approved course.
  • DAvMed and DDAM – Diploma in Aviation Medicine, and Diploma in Disability Assessment Medicine, respectively. Further information on these diplomas and the Diploma in Occupational Medicine is available on the Faculty of Occupational Medicine[8] website.
  • AFOM – Associateship of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. This is awarded by examination and is currently the highest level of examined award. It is at the moment a requirement for the completion of specialist training. It may also be taken by doctors who are not in specialist training, provided that their experience is approved by the Faculty. However, new requirements for specialist training came into force on 1st August 2007. This means that this examination will cease in due course although it will continue until at least 2011.  
  • MFOM – Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. This is awarded after successful completion of the specialist training programme, the structure and content of which are changing, as set out above. Those who achieve MFOM are eligible to join the Specialist Register.
  • FFOM – Fellowship of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine is awarded to Members of the Faculty who have made a particularly significant contribution to the practice of occupational medicine or have contributed significantly to the work of the Faculty. Candidates will normally have been Members of the Faculty for at least 5 years and have at least 5 years experience as a specialist.

Types of services

Enhancing competitive performance through effective occupational health management. 'Managing the health of your business' provides an overview of how to select the appropriate level of support.

  • Qualifications in specialist training and non-specialist training in occupational medicine (as above)
  • Continuing Professional Development scheme
  • Promoting occupational health issues and occupational medicine as a career
  • Publications, recently including Fitness for Work and guidance on ethics, alcohol and drug misuse and, in partnership with NHS Plus, on chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Occupational Health Clinical Effectiveness Unit, in partnership with Royal College of Physicians of London
  • Promoting training and awareness in occupational health for GPs

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Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

logo for Institution of Occupational Safety and Health  (IOSH)

IOSH is Europe's leading body for health and safety professionals. As an independent and not-for-profit organisation, IOSH aims to regulate and steer the profession, maintaining standards and providing impartial authoritative guidance on health and safety issues.

IOSH membership criteria  requires Corporate Members and encourages non-corporate members to demonstrate competence through a process of IPD and CPD.

Finding a practitioner

IOSH maintains a Register of Health and Safety Consultants[9] and offers a service to match IOSH members who are registered as consultants, with clients seeking health and safety advice. Those registered are Chartered members or Chartered Fellows of IOSH actively involved in the IOSH CPD scheme.

Designatory letters

  • CFIOSH/CMIOSH - Individually chartered Fellow or Member holding verified degree-level OSH qualifications and current Continuing Professional Development (CPD), verified 3-yearly.
  • Tech IOSH/Grad IOSH - Members who are working to attain the academic qualifications and level of experience required for Chartered membership, including Initial Professional Development (IPD) or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) schemes.

IOSH accredited courses and providers

IOSH works in partnership with training experts from a broad based spectrum of sectors, to provide and develop both generic and tailored OSH syllabuses to suit a wide range of different non-OSH professional roles within organizations. These are delivered across Scotland through a network of training organizations licensed by IOSH.

Types of services

  • Advise on improving the effectiveness of health and safety management
  • Assist with Risk Assessments, devise and implement risk control strategies
  • Advise on good practice controls for: equipment, substances, training/ competence, documented procedures
  • Undertake OSH culture sampling exercises
  • Lead or assist with accident investigation
  • Undertake OSH training needs analysis, develop and deliver targeted training
  • Prepare written reports and action plans in relation to health and safety topics
  • Undertake an audit of compliance with legislation

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Royal College of Nursing Occupational Health Nurse Forum Scotland (RCN OHN Forum Scotland)

RCN OHN Forum Scotland is affiliated to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) but is independent from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) although both committee members and ordinary members but are a member of the RCN.

The Forum has a constitution and links with RCN Scottish Board as well as RCN London.


  • To provide a corporate identity and support for occupational health nurses working in Scotland.
  • To provide advice on occupational health nursing educational provision.
  • To provide a system of effective communication between members and to form links with other allied and professional groups.
  • To provide a focal point for public response and comment on occupational health topics as they arise.
  • To provide advice on occupational health nursing to relevant public and private bodies.


Full membership or associate membership of the forum will be open to all occupational health nurses living and working in Scotland and who are registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Definition of membership:

Full members: must be members of the RCN and associate members: who are not members of the RCN. Honorary or co-opted members may be admitted to the Forum from time to time at the invitation of the Executive Committee. However such members will not have voting rights and cannot be members of the Executive Committee unless they are members of the Royal College of Nursing.

The RCN competency framework (which was mapped against examples of the KSF level descriptors) highlights three level of practitioner as competent, experienced and expert where knowledge and skills are built the previous level/s. There are twelve different domains of practice such as self assessment core transferable skills, legal and ethical issues, risk assessment, health promotion, protection and surveillance, psychological and psychosocial interventions, maintaining safety and accident control are a few and each domain has a range of knowledge and skills attached eg under the health promotion domain and as a competent practitioner one would expect:

"Has empathetic skills; is a competent and reflective listener: operates mainly in one-to one relationships with clients; participates in pre-employment health screening and assessment of fitness to work"

Education to specialist degree level is offered by

But there are other short courses of relevance to OH practitioners.

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Partnership on Health and Safety in Scotland (PHASS)

PHASS[12] brings together key players in workplace health and safety in Scotland. It aims to target Scotland's priorities for delivering higher standards of health and safety more effectively. It's also intended to help co-ordinate effort across devolved and reserved government interests to promote the benefits to people, business and Scotland's economy, of working in a safe and healthy environment.

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Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS)

logo for Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS)

REHIS®[13], is an independent, self-financing Registered Scottish Charity (Number: SC009406) whose main objectives are for the benefit of the community, to promote the advancement of environmental health by stimulating general interest in and disseminating knowledge concerning environmental health, promoting education and training and maintaining by examination or otherwise, high standards of professional practice and conduct on the part of Environmental Health Officers in Scotland.

REHIS accredited courses and providers

REHIS® is the awarding body for a number of qualifications in Food Safety, Food and Health and Occupational Health and Safety. Courses leading to REHIS qualifications are available through over 500 REHIS Approved Training Centres throughout Scotland.[14]

Detailed information packs are available from the REHIS office.

Occupational Health and Safety Courses are available at three levels; Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. The Elementary course is ideal for all workers, the Intermediate course is designed for supervisors and the Advanced course gives managers a firm grounding in the subject.  For further information on these courses  for advice on which courses are being presented where and who you need to contact.

Finding a practitioner

For information about REHIS Training courses, providers and locations you


REHIS membership is by annual subscription and prospective members require a proposed and seconder, each of whom must be a Member or Fellow of the Institute. All Environmental Health Officer members hold the REHIS Diploma in Environmental Health (or equivalent); which is obtained through professional examination following a rigorous training system and an underpinning accredited BSc (Hons) Environmental Health or MSc Environmental Health degree. REHIS operates a Scheme of Continuing Professional Development, which all members are expected to participate in.

There are several different categories of membership as listed below. 

  • EHO MREHIS - Ordinary Member (Environmental Health Officer) is a Corporate grade which is open to Environmental Health Officers.
    (Retired and Honorary EHO members may also use these designatory letters)
  • MREHIS - Ordinary Member (Other than Environmental Health Officers) is a Corporate grade which is open to persons with professional qualifications broadly commensurate with those required by an Environmental Health Officer.
    (Retired and Honorary members may also use these designatory letters)
  • Associate - Associate is a Non-Corporate grade open to any person having, by reason of post or employment, an interest in Environmental Health.
  • Student - Student membership is available to students following a course of study leading to the Institute's Diploma in Environmental Health. This is a Non-Corporate grade.
  • FREHIS – Fellow – Nominees for Fellowship must be Ordinary or Retired Ordinary Members of the Institute or former Institute of at least ten years' standing.

Environmental Health Officer members who undertake to abide by regulations governing their professional conduct and discipline and who can demonstrate that they have complied with the Institute's Scheme of Continuing Professional Development for the preceding three year period and who have a current Certificate of Compliance, may be granted Chartered Status (Ch.EHO MREHIS or Ch.EHO FREHIS).

The work of members

Environmental Health professionals have a holistic approach to assessing situations where the physical environment impacts on public health, and implementing appropriate intervention strategies to improve and protect public health. In relation to Occupational Health and Safety, members are involved in workplace inspections, investigations of accidents, investigations of complaints, health and safety education, liaising with the Health and Safety Executive, and contributing to national policy.

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Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL)

logo for Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL)

SCHWL[15] brings together the successful initiatives Scotland's Health at Work (SHAW), Safe and Healthy Working (SAHW) and Scotland Against Drugs to form a new integrated organization. Thereby providing a national focus for taking forward this critically important work. The SCHWL optimizes potential synergies, minimize the risk of overlap and duplication and add value to the overall effort in the improvement of the health of working age people.

Scottish Chamber of Safety (SCOS)

logo for Scottish Chamber of Safety (SCOS)

SCOS is the network hub for 8 RoSPA[16] - affiliated Safety Groups across Scotland, providing advice to SME's in their area and a local forum for communication between employers, educational establishments, local authorities, health and safety enforcers and trade unions. Groups are located in; Ayrshire, Borders, Central Scotland, Fife, Grampian, Inverclyde & Renfrew, Strathclyde and Tayside. The main difference between SCOS and the other professional bodies is that it is the employing organization that is the Safety Group member, not the individual. SCOS is a key player in the wider Safety Groups UK network[17].

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Society of Occupational Medicine

logo for Society of Occupational Medicine

The Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is the largest and oldest national professional organisation of individuals with an interest in occupational health. SOM membership is for anyone working in and with an interest in occupational health. SOM membership demonstrates a commitment to improving health at work, supports professional development and enhances future employability enhancing our members' reputation and employability.

Members are part of a multidisciplinary community - including doctors, technicians, nurses, health specialists and other professionals - with access to the information, expertise and learning needed to keep at the forefront of their role. Our members benefit from career development opportunities alongside practical, day-to-day support and guidance, through local and national networks that are open to all.

Through its collective voice, SOM advances knowledge, raises standards and increases awareness and seeks to positively influence the future of Occupational Health (OH).

The Society is organised into regional groups throughout the United Kingdom, including a very active Scottish Group, which arrange their own local scientific and social meetings. A scientific journal Occupational Medicine is published nine times a year by the Society.

Membership of the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) is open to anyone with an involvement or interest in the practice of occupational medicine.

Finding a practitioner

The SOM operates a Job Search Service, regional lists of members in the UK who are available to be approached for sessional work; SOM membership mailings can also be used to circulate advertisements for more substantial employment opportunities. Full details are available at[18].

Types of services

  • Job Search Service
  • Job advertising

Link URLs in this page

  2. Directory of Occupational Hygiene Consultants
  3. external course providers
  4. DOP-S
  5. Directory of Chartered Psychologists
  6. list of consultancies
  7. Occupational health Physicians available for work in Scotland
  8. Faculty of Occupational Medicine
  9. Register of Health and Safety Consultants
  10. Robert Gordon University
  11. Caledonian University
  12. PHASS
  13. REHIS®
  14. 500 REHIS Approved Training Centres throughout Scotland.
  15. SCHWL
  16. RoSPA
  17. Safety Groups UK network
  19. Business gateway
  20. Scottish government
  21. POOSH website
  22. Report an incident
  23. Notify HSE
  24. HSE offices in Scotland
  25. HSE Publications
  26. Statement of forthcoming regulations 2010/2011

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Updated 2025-01-17