Health and Safety in Voluntary Sector Scotland (HaSIVSS) is the umbrella group which supports improved management of health and safety in the voluntary sector in Scotland. Voluntary sector organisations are defined as organisations that are non profit driven, non statutory, autonomous and those individuals who run the boards of voluntary organisations do not get paid for doing so. There are around 45,000 voluntary organisations, employing over 100,000 paid staff and 1.2 million volunteers. This is an expanding sector with a diverse range of services provided including
- Mental health services
- Registered 'Care Home' Services
- Care at home
- Learning Disabilities Services
- Day Centre Services
- Domiciliary Care
- Housing Support Services
- Children and Young people Services
- Workstep
It is a common myth that voluntary sector organisations are not covered by health and safety legislation. Health and safety legislation applies to all businesses, including third sector employers such as voluntary organisations, charities, social enterprises and not for profit businesses. All such employers have the same health and safety duties as any private sector employer in the same circumstances. HaSIVSS aims to help, in particular, by advising on the control of risks, for example as a result of lone working, which are prevalent in this sector. It provides a valuable service especially to organisations who may not have access to, or cannot afford, competent health and safety advice.
HaSIVSS is a member of the Partnership for Health and Safety in Scotland (PHASS)