Further Education Sector in Scotland
There are there are 27 colleges across 13 regions.
Colleges Scotland 'the voice of the FE sector in Scotland', hosts several themed 'development networks'. One of these is the Health and Safety Development Network (H&SDN), which is a forum for health and safety practitioners across colleges in Scotland.
The H&SDN has a steering group, which comprises health and safety managers from various college regions, plus a representative from HSE and the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives, who are ex officio members. The steering group's responsibilities include:
- managing communications across the college health and safety community to provide support
- organising a regular programme of health and safety events
- developing performance indicators eg standardised accident reporting
- promoting strong health and safety leadership
- encouraging sensible and proportionate health and safety risk management
The H&SDN webpages contain examples of useful guidance on illuminating practice, meeting minutes, presentations from events, etc.