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Make a RIDDOR report

4. Submitting your form online – frequently asked questions

Once entered on the form, data remains in place so navigation with the 'back' and 'next' buttons on each page is an easy way to review the details before submitting.

Please note that your details will only be received by HSE when you have completed the final page, submitted the form, and received the submission confirmation screen 'Thank You for submitting your RIDDOR form' which includes the RIDDOR reference number assigned. At this point the 'Download PDF' button is visible which will allow you to save and print a copy of the form.

Any relevant incidents occurring in Northern Ireland should be reported directly to Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSE NI)[5].

You can contact your employer (or person in control of the work activity) to find out if a report has been made, as they have the legal duty to report. Guidance on who should and should not report incidents[6] under the reporting regulations (RIDDOR) is also available.

To inform us of changes to the notification of a fatal or specified injury only, you can call the Incident Contact Centre (ICC) on 0345 300 9923. Guidance on altering details of forms already submitted[7] for other types of notification is also available.

Certain combinations are not valid as defined under RIDDOR. Most greyed-out options relate to the last 2 pages of an 'injury' form:

  • on page 4, if an employment status of 'member of the public' is chosen, this restricts the options on page 5, as RIDDOR only allows the severity of injury to people to be classified as 'fatality' or 'member of the public taken directly to hospital'
  • conversely, on page 4 if the employment status is any except member of the public (that is, they are a worker), then the severity can only be 'fatality', 'specified injury' or 'over-7-day'

Link URLs in this page

  1. Overview
  2. Who should report under RIDDOR
  3. How to make a RIDDOR report
  4. Amending RIDDOR notifications
  5. Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSE NI)
  6. who should and should not report incidents
  7. altering details of forms already submitted
  8. Previous page How to make a RIDDOR report
  9. Next page Amending RIDDOR notifications
  10. View a printable version of the whole guide
  11. RIDDOR Regulations
  12. Accident book
  13. RIDDOR in health and social care
  14. Infections at work

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Updated 2025-02-14