How do I choose the right respiratory protective equipment (RPE)?

RPE should be right for the:

  • Wearer
  • Task, and
  • Environment.

To help you choose the right RPE HSG 53[1] has a flow chart to help you through the process, you can either:

  • Look at the COSHH Essentials guidance sheets[2] to see if any cover your work task and recommend a type of RPE, or
  • Look at HSG53 and follow its approach to selection.
  • Use the online RPE Selector Tool[3], developed by the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives, working with HSE.

Link URLs in this page

  1. HSG 53
  2. COSHH Essentials guidance sheets
  3. RPE Selector Tool
  4. Respiratory protective equipment at work: A practical guide

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Updated: 2025-02-05