RR139 - Sample analysis of construction accidents reported to HSE

Presents results of a telephone survey, conducted by BOMEL Limited (BOMEL) on behalf of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), of some 1000 notifiers of major and over-3-day injury construction accidents that occurred between 19 December 2001 and 31 March 2002. The accident were representative of the kind and severity notified to HSE throughout the 2001/2 year. Some 39% of notified accidents were associated with refurbishment (including maintenance & repair) with 45% of those cases associated with domestic premises. An almost equal number (38%) of notified accidents concerned new build, 45% of these cases being for domestic housing with the remainder largely commercial and industrial. In 63% of cases notifiers said CDM applied at the site. Construction clients were split 56% private sector (64% including domestic clients), 33% public sector and 3% unknown.

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