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RR297 - A National Population Data Base for Major Accident Hazard Modelling

In order to undertake the modelling of major accident hazard events the HSE needs to estimate the numbers of people potentially at risk from such events, particularly when societal rather than individual risk is of concern. To-date, however, the data used on the spatial distribution of populations at risk has been highly generalised. This project has developed a sophisticated methodology for producing a national population database, drawing on multiple data sets and including populations located within residential, workplace, retail, transport and leisure land uses and within communal establishments involving particularly sensitive populations (such as schools and hospitals). The final database has a greater coverage of population types and a better level of spatial resolution than any others that currently exist. It has a flexible and user-friendly interface, which provides for many different potential uses by HSE and other Government Bodies and Departments.

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Updated 2021-04-19