RR1153 - Vessel collision threat detection for offshore oil and gas installations
There is a potential for major structural damage to offshore installations leading to fatalities and serious injuries in the event of collision by either a passing or an in-field seagoing vessel. Both categories of collision have occurred on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) although to date only significant, rather than catastrophic, consequences have occurred. Internationally, collisions have occurred that have caused both loss of life and environmental damage. This report considers collision threat detection and updates Research Report RR514 (2006). RR1154 considers the Ship/Platform Collision Incident Database which was previously described in Research Report RR053 (2001).
Collision threat detection via radar and visual watch keeping is one of the major duties that the Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV) crew needs to conduct for monitoring and appraisal of risks to UKCS installations. Detection tools are subject to a number of limitations and this report investigates technological advancements including: (1) deployment of automated radar detection and tracking devices to supplement the work of ERRV crews and assist in the overall collision risk management strategy; and (2) the implementation of Automatic Identification System (AIS) equipment in the global marine regulatory system which has also had an impact on vessel identification and the processes through which an errant vessel can be warned off. Results are discussed in terms of both how they may affect current operations and how they may be adopted in future to enhance offshore safety.
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