4. After you have notified or been granted registration or consent
You will not need to renew your notification, registration or consent unless there is a material change to the information you have given.
Reporting a change
You must inform the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) if you:
- stop a work activity for which you notified, registered or gained consent for
- make a material change to the work practice which affects the information submitted to HSE when you notified, registered or gained consent
Examples of changes you will need to report
- Change to employers name – you must inform HSE that the work has stopped for the old employer name and notify, register or apply for consent under the new name
- Change in employer address
- Changes in the safety assessment
- Changes in answers to questions relating to radiation emergencies
- Additions or deletions to the categories of work undertaken in a registration
- Changes in the use of portable radiation sources on sites other than the employers'
You can find out more about the material changes you must report for work practices for which you have gained consent on the next page[5]
How to report changes
To report changes, use the ionising radiation contact form[6].
Revoking a registration or consent
Under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17), HSE can revoke registrations or consents if it considers it appropriate to do so.
HSE will consider revocation if, for example:
- it can be demonstrated that the registration or consent was obtained through a false declaration
- where a pattern of poor performance has emerged, demonstrating evidence of poor radiological protection - this may have resulted in enforcement action, for example
- conviction(s) for ionising radiations regulations offences
- enforcement notices for ionising radiation-related deficiencies
- notifications of contraventions
- there has been an extremely serious incident where significant breach(es) of the regulations have occurred - the failures that led to the breaches may be so significant that it is considered necessary to initiate revocation proceedings irrespective of whether or not enforcement action has occurred
- if the employer been found guilty of health and safety offences
HSE may revoke the registration or consent immediately or warn that revocation will occur unless corrective or remedial action is taken. HSE will state what action is required and set a date by which it must be undertaken to avoid revocation.
Regaining a revoked registration or consent
If a registration has been revoked, the employer will need to assure HSE that they have taken the necessary actions to address the reasons for the revocation before they re-apply. HSE will liaise closely with the employer before agreeing that they can re-apply.
If a consent has been revoked the employer will need to make a new successful application for consent before the work practice can recommence.
The consent or registration holder can appeal against a decision to revoke.
Firstly, this appeal should be made to the Radiation Team’s principal inspectors. They will respond within 10 working days.
Under section 44 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 appeals against revocations can be made to:
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Caxton House Tothill Street
A section 44 appeal can be made at any stage with or without an internal HSE review of the revocation.
The appeal must include all of the following:
- appellant’s name and address
- the specific decision against which the appeal is made
- the grounds for the appeal
The right to appeal to the Secretary of State will be explained with all relevant correspondence from the Radiation Team. DWP will contact the appellant once the appeal has been made.