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Vehicles and brake testing

Brake testing should be carried out on level ground. The area may be marked out with poles to give a daily check. These should be backed up with regular tests using electronic testing equipment. Many of the service companies offer this as an additional package to maintenance of mobile plant. This brake testing area is set out using poles to determine that the brakes are reasonable every day. The park brake should also be checked on a ramp which is steeper than the steepest road in the quarry. When checking the park brake it should always be done at the bottom of any ramp.

Brake testing area

Electronic brake testing equipment is available from at least two manufacturers which can be used regularly to accurately measure brake performance. This has the advantage of showing up deficiencies in the brake system before they become a problem. An electronic system may be permanently fitted to a dump truck. Other systems are available

Brake testing equipment

The gradient of the road is very important to the braking capabilities of the equipment using it. Under no circumstances should roads be designed at more than a 10% slope. This is not the same as 10 degrees!

Diagram of percentage gradient

Regular maintenance of vehicles is essential, here a brake system has been damaged but the machine was still in use. Since the introduction of EPIC brake testing guidance the number of incidents due to poor brake performance has decreased, however, this is a recent photograph.

Damaged brake system

This vehicle was involved in a fatal accident due to poor maintenance of the brake system, note the brake fluid over the disc.

Wheel leaking brake fluid

This vehicle overspead coming down a hill, causing the engine protection device to cut in and the driver lost his brake capacity.

Overturned vehicle due to brake failure

This vehicle hit the quarry face due to brake failure as it descended a ramp.

Truck hit quarry face after brake failure

This vehicle is being used with the steel core of tyres the showing. It is important that all vehicles whether contractors are part of the maintenance and inspection scheme.

Dangerously worn tyres

Link URLs in this page

  1. Health and safety at quarries. Quarries Regulations 1999
  2. Competence in health and safety
  4. Explosives

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

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Updated 2024-10-29