- Arsenic and You [1]
- Benzene and You [2]
- Beryllium and You [3]
- Better alarm handling (PDF) [4]
- Biological Monitoring in the Workplace [5]
- Cadmium and you - working with Cadmium - are you at risk? (PDF) [6]
- Chemical reaction hazards and the risk of thermal runaway [7]
- Chromium and you [8]
- Cobalt and you [9]
- Domestic production of biodiesel - health and safety warning [10]
- Do you know how to work safely with PCBs? [11]
- Do you use MbOCA? [12]
- Preventing contact dermatitis at work [13]
- Storing and handling Ammonium nitrate (PDF) [14]
- Working with 2-pack isocyanate paints [15]
- Working safely with solvents [16]
Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)
- Working with substances hazardous to health: A brief guide to COSHH [17]
- Hydrofluoric acid poisoning - Recommendations on first-aid procedures [18]
- COSHH Essentials: online assessment tool and guidance sheets [19]
Labeling, packaging and transport
Chemical Hazard Alert Notices (CHANS)
All Chemicals Hazard Alert Notices (CHANS) have been suspended. Those seeking advice on substances for which a CHAN had previously been issued should follow the same approach as they would for any other hazardous substance, eg apply the CHIP and COSHH regulations.
Alternative sources of advice and information include:
- COSHH Website[20]
- COSHH principles of good practice[21]
- Industry-specific COSHH Essentials[22]
- COSHH Essentials website[23]
- EH40/2005 Workplace Exposure Limits[24]
Methods for the determination of hazardous substances (MDHS)
Methods for the Determination of Hazardous Substances (MDHS)[25]
A range of guidance identifying and promoting good practice in the use of hazardous substances.