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Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013

Guidance for employers and employees

Date of publication:
Series code:

Download a free copy - HSIS7 (PDF) [3]

This information sheet is for healthcare employers and employees. It will help you understand your legal obligations under the Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) Regulations 2013 (the 'Sharps Regulations').

It explains under what circumstances the Regulations apply, and provides practical advice on:

  • the safe use and disposal of sharps
  • training requirements
  • procedures for responding to a sharps injury

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  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - HSIS7
  4. Reporting injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences in health and social care
  5. Blood-borne viruses
  6. Health and safety training
  7. Health and social care services
  8. Sharps injuries
  9. Blood-borne viruses
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Updated: 2022-04-21