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Mines Regulations 2014

Guidance on Regulations

Date of publication:
April 2015 (amended 2020)
Series code:
L149 (first edition)
978 0 7176 6647 8

Download a free copy - L149 (PDF) [3]

The Mines Regulations 2014 came into force on 6 April 2015, and replace all previous health and safety mining law.

The Approved Codes of Practice (listed below) which supported the previous law have now been withdrawn. Please note that L43, First aid at mines[4], will remain in force.                                                                        

  • L128 – The use of electricity in mines
  • COP28 – Safety of exit from mines underground workings
  • L42 – Shafts and winding in mines
  • L45 – Explosives at coal and other safety-lamp mines
  • L46 –The prevention of inrushes in mines
  • L71 – Escape and rescue from mines
  • L119 – The control of ground movement in mines
  • L145 – Control of inhalable dust in coal mines
  • L44 – The management and administration of safety and health in mines

Who this guidance is for: This guidance now applies and is for anyone who has duties under the Mines Regulations 2014, primarily mine operators. It will also be useful for others in the mine management structure, safety representatives and representatives of employee safety.

Brief overview of content:

Key messages

This publication provides advice and direction on how to comply with the Regulations.

Further sector guidance[5] on specific hazards and risk control is also available, and should be used when required to support and supplement this guidance

What has changed?

  • The large volume of prescriptive law has been replaced by a single, modern set of regulations containing goal-setting requirements that focus on the control of the risks from major hazards in mines.
  • The principal dutyholder is now the mine operator, not the mine manager.
  • Duplication of requirements is removed – general health and safety regulations apply where they adequately cover hazards dealt with by previous mines legislation.
  • There is no longer a requirement for coal mines to participate in an approved mines rescue scheme, although there are clear requirements on all mine operators to maintain suitable rescue provision.
  • Competence is a clear requirement for all people working in a mine. HSE approval of qualifications and the requirement for certain post-holders in coal mines to possess a certificate of attestation of qualification has been removed.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - L149
  4. L43, First aid at mines
  5. Further sector guidance
  6. Dangerous substances and explosive atmospheres - L138
  7. Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) - L5
  8. Safe use of work equipment - L22
  9. Electrical safety in mines - HSG278
  10. Health and safety in mining
  11. ATEX and explosive atmospheres
  12. HSE Books +44 (0)333 202 5070
  13. Translated leaflets
  14. Legislation
  15. Statistics
  16. Science and Research
  17. Subscribe - news and updates

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Updated: 2021-03-04