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A guide to workplace transport safety

Date of publication:
September 2014
Series code:
HSG136 (Third edition)

Download a free copy - HSG136 (PDF) [3]

This guide provides advice for employers on what they need to do to comply with the law and reduce risk. It will also be useful for managers, supervisors, employees and their safety representatives, as well as contractors, vehicle operators and other organisations concerned with workplace transport safety.

The new guide is much shorter and more streamlined than the previous edition and includes advice on your general legal duties and information on health and safety management. There is also more specific advice on controlling risks associated with workplace transport, which has been restructured into three main areas:

  • Safe site (design and activity)
  • Safe vehicle
  • Safe driver

The new edition has been updated to take account of new advice on workplace transport safety and also to reflect changes to relevant legislation and associated guidance. There are new sections on multi-deck vehicles and multi-site deliveries, as well as minor changes to other sections, such as on weighbridges and sheeting. It reflects and expands on the HSE leaflet Workplace transport safety: A brief guide[4].

Link URLs in this page

  1. Publications
  2. HSE Books
  3. Download a free copy - HSG136
  4. Workplace transport safety: A brief guide
  5. Workplace transport safety - A brief guide
  6. Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law
  7. Using contractors: A brief guide
  8. Vehicles at work
  9. Risk management
  10. Health and safety basics for your business
  11. HSE Books +44 (0)333 202 5070
  12. Translated leaflets
  13. Legislation
  14. Statistics
  15. Science and Research
  16. Subscribe - news and updates

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Updated: 2021-10-19