The GB toxicological reference value (TRV) database contains the toxicological reference values relevant to consumer exposure assessment within GB.
It is provided as a tool to help applicants with GB approvals, authorisations and Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).
Definition of toxicological reference values (TRVs) for the database
A TRV defines the level of a particular substance people can safely be exposed to over a specified period.
For example, the acceptable daily intake (ADI), the acute reference dose (ARfD) or other suitable health based reference values such as Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI).
These values are based on all known facts at the time of the evaluation,
When TRVs are required
TRVs are used as part of the consumer exposure assessment for active substance approvals, product authorisations and MRL setting. They are used in conjunction with the UK NEDI, UK NESTI and the EFSA PRIMo models. A further description of these models is available at the page on Consumer Exposure (
GB TRVs are set as part of the GB active substance approval process as defined under assimilated Regulation 1107/2009. In addition, GB TRVs may be established under assimilated Regulation 396/2005 for import tolerances related to active substances not approved in GB.
When a new TRV becomes applicable, this will be included in the database, with the relevant implementation date clearly stated.
The GB TRV database includes TRVs previously agreed under EU Regulations before the end of the transition period that remain applicable to GB.
Northern Ireland and the EU
For toxicological reference values relevant to NI, please refer to the EU Pesticides Database (
EU TRVs apply in Northern Ireland following the end of the transition period (TP), so you should refer to the text of the EU Regulations to check the values concerned.
EU Regulations are the definitive source of TRVs applicable in the EU and NI. Where a TRV has changed in the EU following the end of the TP, this value may not be applicable to GB.
Alternative values
Where no TRV has been agreed within GB or the EU prior to the 31 December 2020, alternative values may be considered, such as values proposed by JMPR or evaluated by other jurisdictions, like the Regulatory Authority for another country.
Where no toxicological data is available, an upper tolerance limit (UTL) or the threshold of toxicological concern (TTC) may be used. Where this is the case, this will be indicated within the database by a footnote, explaining the origin of the value.
For these alternative values, whilst we have sighted some values, we may not have captured all TRVs evaluated internationally for that active substance or metabolite. We reserve the right to reassess the use of all values where new scientific data becomes available.
GB TRV Database
The GB Toxicological Reference Value Database
The guidance on this page should be reviewed before using this database.
All the content of the entries should be scrutinised, including links to details, footnote entries and historical details of how TRVs have changed over time.