Application and evaluation fees: plant protection products and active substances


The following fees apply to individual application types.

When you submit an application, you will be invoiced for the appropriate total fee.

If your application is subject to a detailed technical sift the fees applicable will be applied in stages reflecting the:

  • validation check
  • detailed technical sift
  • evaluation stage

You will only be issued with one invoice.

Additional fees may also be applied mid evaluation where additional data or a case is required and accepted.

The figures below are for information only.

Fees for plant protection product stream applications

Application fees





Co-ordination – (all standard technical stream applications)


Parallel co-ordination, only for applications to Northern Ireland


Extension of Authorisation for Minor Use – (Charged per risk assessment area based on crop).
(Extensions of Authorisation for minor use applications submitted by growers or grower organisations. Those submitted by product authorisation holders, marketing companies or distributors will be charged the standard modular fees, except where they are included in applications for the renewal of product authorisations.)


Admin authorisation


Task – (applicable to admin blanket applications for identical changes which affect 15 or more products. A 'sift' fee and an 'Admin authorisation' fee is charged for the first product, a 'Task' fee is then charged for each subsequent product. For more information read our guidance on Change of authorisation holder.


Administrative Trials Permit


Commenting on draft protocols


Pre-submission meetings


Evaluation fees

Label check


Parallel import verification – Northern Ireland only (charged for each source and appeals procedure requested)


Reasoned cases (all risk assessment areas)


Chemistry data


Residues data


Toxicology data


Operator (Non-Dietary Human) Exposure data


Ecotoxicology data


Fate & behaviour data


Efficacy (effectiveness/crop safety) data


Standalone MRL/Import Tolerance – full human health assessment


Standalone MRL/Import Tolerance – metabolism and residues data


Standalone MRL/Import Tolerance – residues data only


MRL supplementary information – analytical method for MRL compliance


MRL supplementary information – metabolite toxicology data


MRL supplementary information – plant or livestock metabolism or nature of residue data


MRL supplementary information – residues (including magnitude of residue and monitoring) data


Official recognition

Initial inspection






Fees for active substance applications

The appropriate Band will be determined following the resource estimate at the applications sift.

A full data package comprises the complete dossier to support one or more representative use of one product. Where a data package also contains a large number of extra study reports submitted to refine risk assessments, to characterise metabolites or to support additional uses of the product, these studies will be treated as an additional partial data package. HSE will notify applicants of the appropriate fee before starting the evaluation.

For more information - Plant Protection Products (Fees and Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 No. 254 (

Core data (new active substances, synergists, safeners, basic substances and renewal of existing active substances)

Completeness Check


Evaluation of core dossier           


Co-ordination of independent scientific advice, commenting, public consultation and finalisation of the assessment report


Partial dossier (new active substances, synergists, safeners, basic substances and GB active substance renewal)

Band 1


Band 2


Band 3


Band 4


Band 5


Band 6


Band 7


Biological and pheromones (core)

Evaluation: Bio pesticides including Plant extracts


Evaluation: Pheromones


Co-ordination of independent scientific advice, commenting, public consultation and finalisation of the assessment report


Biological partial dossiers

Band 1


Band 2


Band 3


Band 4


Pheromone partial dossiers

Band 1


Band 2                   


Band 3


Band 4


Pre-submission meetings

Meeting before the submission of an application for a new active substance, safener or synergist, biocontrol and pheromone applications or renewal of an existing active substance (associated plant protection product applications can also be discussed at such pre-submission meetings).


Guidance on fees

We charge fees to ensure that the full economic costs of evaluating and processing applications are recovered. Each year we review the costs of the work (using detailed work recording data), and following consultation with applicants and authorisation holders, we set the fees for the next year.

Fee charged for application

There are a range of different application fees, which reflect the evaluation work involved in processing applications, and other regulatory work that we conduct. If you are submitting an application for an import tolerance or to gain official recognition for an efficacy testing organisation, specific fees apply. Please note that the sift fee also applies to these types of application. Applications for the consideration of adverse data, for the official listing of adjuvants and for certificates of free sale are free of charge. We have included some detail below as to when each fee will apply and from this you should be able to estimate the fee that will be charged in advance of submitting your application.

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When the fee will be charged

In general, the invoice will be issued in full once an application has been accepted by the applications sift.

Do not send payment with the application. An invoice will be issued once the application has been accepted.

All invoices must be paid in full before any authorisations or permits can be issued.

Application for new active substance or renewal of active substance

Applications for new active substances and for the renewal of existing active substances are charged using a modular fee system. Each 'module' of work attracts a separate fee, and the total fee is the sum of each of those separate charges. Whether or not a module applies to your submission depends on the type of evaluation and the areas of input required. Since not all modules can be progressed simultaneously, you will be invoiced as each major step of the evaluation process is due to start.

For example, for an application for the for approval of a new active substance under Regulation (EC) 1107/2009, you will first receive an invoice for the completeness check.

Assuming the dossier is accepted as ready for detailed evaluation, you will then be sent a second invoice for the fee to evaluate the dossier. Once the draft assessment report is ready for the consultation stage, you will then be sent a further invoice to cover the cost of that work.

If at any stage during the process, issues are identified, which need to be resolved by the submission of further data then you will be invoiced for a further fee to cover the costs of evaluating the additional data. To help you decide which of the modules will apply for your application, see below:

  • The 'completeness check' fee covers the cost of checking the completeness of a full dossier submitted either to support the first approval of a new or existing active substance under Regulation (EC) 1107/2009
  • The fee for the evaluation of a 'core dossier' covers the cost of the detailed evaluation of a full dossier intended to support the use of a single formulated product on one major representative crop. It is also based on the assumption that dossiers do not contain extensive data packages for environmental or plant metabolites
  • The fee for the evaluation of a 'partial dossier' covers the cost of the detailed evaluation of:
    • Additional information or data over and above a 'standard' core dossier. For example, situations where there are significantly more metabolites, or very large and/or novel studies to be evaluated
    • Additional information or data requested by HSE during the evaluation required to supplement or clarify the initial dossier
    • Information or data to change the existing conditions of the approval
  • Fees for the evaluation of dossiers on biopesticides and pheromones are lower than those for 'conventional' plant protection products.

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Product application

Product applications are charged using a modular fee system. Each 'module' of work attracts a separate fee, and the total fee is the sum of each of those separate charges. Whether or not a module applies to your submission depends on the type of application you are submitting, and the areas of input required. To help you decide which of the modules will apply for your application, see below:

  • The sift fee applies to all applications, except for extensions of use and Administrative Trials Permit applications. The fee covers the initial checking of the submission at the weekly sift
  • A co-ordination fee is applied to the different application types where technical assessment is required
  • The Administrative Trials Permit fee applies only to applications for a Trials permit requiring no technical input. No other fees will be applied to this type of application
  • The off-label or EAMU fee covers all aspects of the evaluation of an application for extension of Authorisation for a minor use (EAMU), and no other fees apply where the application is submitted by a grower or grower representative. Modular fees will be applied where the application is submitted by or on behalf of the authorisation holder, except for EAMUs included applications for the renewal of product authorisations
  • The administrative application fee is used for applications involving no technical input (and own-use parallel imports)
  • For Northern Ireland parallel import applications, a co-ordination fee will be charged in all cases and, where necessary, an additional verification fee will also be charged
  • For any applications where a technical input is required (including via article 40 and Trials Permits), the co-ordination fee and sift fee will be applied, along with a varying number and type of the specialist evaluation fees. These will be determined by the type of evaluation that is required and the data you provide
  • The specialist evaluation fees cover the evaluation of data or a case in each of the specialist areas (active/product chemistry; toxicology; residues/consumer exposure; operator exposure; ecotoxicology; fate and behaviour; efficacy and crop safety). Either the case fee or data fee will be charged in each area, but not both
  • The label check fee applies whenever a label is submitted

The advice above will help you to understand how the fees are applied but if you are unsure about charging, you should contact us.

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Notification of fee

Following consideration and acceptance of your submission at the sift, you will be sent an invoice which details all of the fees and the total amount required for the application.

Where an application is subject to a detailed technical sift, the fees required will be applied in stages, reflecting the validation check, detailed technical sift, and evaluation stage, although only one invoice will be issued.

Additional fees may also be applied mid evaluation where additional data is required and accepted, although only one invoice will be issued.

Information on applications subject to a detailed sift

Refund if application withdrawn

If you want to withdraw an application, you should contact the Evaluating Officer or project manager for your application at the earliest opportunity.

For product applications charged under the modular fee system, and where no work has been carried out other than the sift, we will refund the fee, minus the sift fee and an administration charge (the withdrawal fee). Where work has started on the evaluation, a refund is not usually possible, although we will consider refunds of 'unstarted' modules of work. In this circumstance, you should contact the Assessment Manager for advice.

If an application for a new active substance or for the renewal of an existing active substance is withdrawn before evaluation starts, the evaluation fee will not be charged, but the completeness check fee will not be refunded.

How to pay

Payment can be made by cheque (payable to Health and Safety Executive) or BACS. Full payment details can be found on the invoice.


No authorisation will be issued until full payment is made, and we will adopt full debt recovery procedures for all unpaid fees. Payment is required even in the circumstance that authorisation is refused. If we have not received payment 30 days after the invoice has been issued, we will contact you to remind you that payment is due.

The annual charge

In addition to individual application fees, costs for work involved in administering the legislation and monitoring plant protection products are met via an 'annual charge'

Find out more about the annual charge.


The legislative basis for (and level of) the application fees is given under The Plant Protection Product (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2011.

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Updated 2025-01-07