Market a pesticide product
If you wish to market a pesticide product (including biological and novel products) in Great Britain (GB) or Northern Ireland (NI), you must apply for a commercial level of authorisation.
Pesticide product application process[1].
Carry out research and development work
If you wish to carry out research and development work on an approved or unapproved active substance or pesticide product you must apply for a trials permit.
Import pesticide products into Northern Ireland
If you wish to import a pesticide product into Northern Ireland (NI) and market it on the basis that it is identical to a product already authorised in NI, you must apply for a parallel permit.
More about Parallel trade permits[3].
Extension of authorisation for a minor use
Authorised uses on plant protection product (PPP) labels ('on-label' authorisations) do not cover every pest or crop combination, particularly for crops that are grown on a small scale in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
If economically damaging levels of pests, weeds or diseases occur in a crop where there is no on-label authorisation of a suitable plant protection product, then an extension of authorisation for minor use (EAMU) can be considered.
The use is not assessed for effectiveness or crop safety, and if you use an EAMU you do so at your own commercial risk.
More about EAMU[4].
Market an adjuvant
If you wish to market an adjuvant for use with a pesticide product, you must apply for its inclusion on the 'Official List' of adjuvants.
The 'List Entry' will specify the identity of the adjuvant and the conditions that a user must comply with.
More about adjuvants and the Official List of Adjuvants[5].
Using a commodity substance as a pesticide product
Commodity substances are chemicals which have a variety of non-pesticidal uses and also have uses as a pesticide product.
If such a substance is to be used as a pesticide product it will require approval.
More about commodity substances approval[6].
Import treated produce into Great Britain
Before importing treated produce into Great Britain (GB) with pesticide residues that may be higher than the GB maximum residue level (MRL), you must apply for an import tolerance.
More about MRLs[7].
Export a pesticide outside the UK
If you want to export an active substance or pesticide product authorised in GB or NI to a country outside GB or NI, the authorities in the importing country may ask you to provide evidence of the authorisation status of the active substance, the pesticide product or the adjuvant.
Upon request we will issue certificates of free-sale which provide details of the approval status of the active substance, pesticide product or adjuvant and confirm that they are registered for use in England, Scotland and Wales.
More about obtaining certificates of free-sale[8].
Conduct efficacy trials
If you wish to carry out efficacy testing and analysis for yourself or on behalf of a third party, your testing facilities must be 'Officially Recognised'.
Efficacy tests and analyses include; field, glasshouse or laboratory trials and tests to determine the effectiveness and crop safety of plant protection products, plus its safety to other crops, plants and beneficial organisms.
More about Official Recognition[9].