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The CLP Regulation (Regulation 1272/2008) - precautionary (P) statement P501

Where P501 is required for a product ('highly recommended' or 'recommended' depending on the product's physical properties, human health and/or environmental hazard classification) the phrases to be used on PPP labels are as follows.

For all professional products

Dispose of contents/container to a licensed hazardous-waste disposal contractor or collection site except for empty clean containers which can be disposed of as non-hazardous waste.

For amateur concentrate products

Dispose of contents/container to a household waste recycling centre as hazardous waste except for empty containers which can be disposed of in the dustbin. Contact your local council for details.

For amateur ready-to-use (RTU) products

Dispose of contents/container to a household waste recycling centre as hazardous waste except for empty containers which can be disposed of by recycling. Contact your local council for details.

Link URLs in this page

  1. Hazard statements, precautionary statements and signal words
  2. Notification of changes to plant protection products under CLP Regulation
  3. Introduction to classification and labelling
  4. Pesticide product labelling and packaging

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Updated 2024-04-26