Apply to change your pesticide product name, authorisation holder or marketing company

Single product

You do not need to apply to change the address of the authorisation holder or marketing company, but please notify us by email at: [email protected].

A new Ministerially approved pesticide product (MAPP) number will be issued if changes are made to the:

  • product tradename
  • marketing company and their registration number changes

To apply to make the above changes, provide:

  • a covering letter fully explaining your request and detailing the requirements below
  • completed application form CRD2
  • letters of access to third party data
  • any previous relevant correspondence for example a copy of the parent product authorisation, previous authorisation/trials permit/EAMU as appropriate or any written advice previously provided by HSE

How to submit your pesticide application.

You can apply to make these changes to an extension of authorisation for minor use (EAMU) in the same way.

The application can be processed during the transition after renewal of approval of the active substance under Regulation 1107/2009 but before the product authorisation has been renewed.

Find out more about EAMUs.

Changes which do not affect the MAPP number – multiple products

If your application is for a change to 15 or more products which do not require a new MAPP Number (for example for a change in authorisation holder but not marketing company) we will issue an amendment notice (often called a 'blanket' notice). This will cover all the products, rather than issuing individual notices for each product.
Applications for identical changes for less than 15 products, or where the change requires a new MAPP number (for example, change to marketing company or product name) will be accepted as individual applications.
You must submit:

  • a covering letter fully explaining your request
  • a list of the following information for each product (preferably using the table on the application form CRD2
    • current product name and MAFF/MAPP number
    • current notice of authorisation number
    • active substance(s)
    • current/proposed authorisation holder
    • data owner(s) for active substance(s) and formulation/efficacy data
    • if letters of access are required, detail whether they are enclosed or to be provided separately
    • any other information (for example highlight ongoing applications that may be affected giving COP numbers)
  • letters of access to third party data

How to submit your pesticide application.

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Updated 2025-01-08