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PABIAC strategy tools

To help companies benchmark where they are in relation to health and safety management to then achieve previous PABIAC strategic objectives a number of tools were developed and made available.  Although the previous strategies are now complete the tools may still help companies to benchmark where they are at and comply with health and safety law. 

The tools are as follows:

Link URLs in this page

  1. PABIAC Occupational Health Benchmarking Tool
  2. Safety management systems self assessment tool
  3. Safety opinions survey
  4. Guidance on safety opinions survey
  5. Safe interventions - Aide memoire on machinery safety
  6. Safe interventions - Aide memoire on entry into confined spaces
  7. Making paper safely
  8. Guidance for the recover paper in the recovered paper industry
  9. Web07 - Rewinding paper safely: Safe use of reeling and slitting machines
  10. Manual handling
  11. Load security
  12. Slips
  13. Stress
  14. Workplace transport
  15. COSHH
  16. Musculoskeletal disorders
  17. Worker involvement
  18. Noise

Glossary of abbreviations/acronyms on this page

Paper and Board Industry Advisory Committee

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Updated: 2024-11-13