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How do I reduce noise?

There are many ways of reducing noise and noise exposure - often a combination of methods works best. First think about how to remove the loud noise altogether. If that is not possible, do all you can to control the noise at source, consider redesigning the workplace and reorganising working patterns. Take measures to protect individual workers if you need to. Consider the following:

  • Use a different, quieter process or quieter equipment, eg:
    • Can you do the work in some other quieter way?
    • Can you replace whatever is causing the noise with something that is less noisy?
    • Introduce a low-noise purchasing policy for machinery and equipment.
  • Introduce engineering controls:
    • Avoid metal-on-metal impacts, eg line chutes with abrasion-resistant rubber, and reduce drop heights.
    • Vibrating machine panels can be a source of noise - add material to reduce vibration ('damping').
    • Isolate vibrating machinery or components from their surroundings, eg with antivibration mounts or flexible couplings.
    • Fit silencers to air exhausts and blowing nozzles.
  • Modify the paths by which the noise travels through the air to the people exposed, eg:
    • Erect enclosures around machines to reduce the amount of noise emitted into the workplace or environment.
    • Use barriers and screens to block the direct path of sound.
    • Position noise sources further away from workers.
  • Design and lay out the workplace for low noise emission, eg:
    • Use absorptive materials within the building to reduce reflected sound, eg open cell foam or mineral wool.
    • Keep noisy machinery and processes away from quieter areas.
    • Design the workflow to keep noisy machinery out of areas where people spend most of their time.
  • Limit the time spent in noisy areas - every halving of the time spent in a noisy area will reduce noise exposure by 3 dB.

Proper and regular maintenance of machinery and equipment is essential as it will deteriorate with age and can become noisier. Listen out for changes in noise levels - it may be time to replace worn or faulty parts.

How to choose quieter equipment and machinery?[46]

Link URLs in this page

  1. Noise at work
  2. Regulations
  3. Worried about your hearing?
  4. Overview - Worried about your hearing?
  5. Audio demonstration
  6. Overview - Advice for employers
  7. Employers' responsibilities
  8. How do I assess the risks?
  9. Managing noise risks checklist
  10. Overview - How do I protect my workers?
  11. How do I control the risks from noise?
  12. Use the information from my risk assessment?
  13. Reduce noise?
  14. Choose quieter equipment and machinery?
  15. Hearing protection
  16. What do I need to tell my employees?
  17. Employee and safety representatives
  18. Health surveillance
  19. Advice for manufacturers
  20. Noise calculators
  21. Key messages
  22. Overview - Industry good practice
  23. Overview - Managing noise risks
  24. Over-protection
  25. Accounting for 'real-world' factors
  26. Advice on issuing hearing protection
  27. Workplace design
  28. Plastic products
  29. Overview - Wood working
  30. Saw milling
  31. Air turbulence
  32. Planing and moulding
  33. Overview - Concrete and cement
  34. General information
  35. Avoiding impacts
  36. Music and entertainment
  37. Overview - Case studies
  38. Full index
  39. Sound solutions
  40. Overview - Resources
  41. Publications
  42. Research
  43. Statistics
  44. Overview - Policy statements
  45. Acoustic shock
  46. How to choose quieter equipment and machinery?
  47. Noise calculators
  48. Noise: Don't lose your hearing
  49. Noise at work: A brief guide to controlling the risks
  50. Hearing loss - what's it like?

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Updated 2021-05-24