Braider for electric cable

The Problem

braider for electric cable

Braiders are used to braid the outer sheath on electrical cables. In many respects they are very akin to many textile machines. The core travels into the braider and a series of bobbins plat or braid the sheath around the cable core. The noise climate is characterised by many mechanical interaction noises.

The Solution

  • The wire reel and drive shaft had covers constructed from a thin metal sheet. The mechanical interactions were putting considerable vibration energy into the cover that then behaved like a loud speaker cone and radiated airborne noise. A 3mm pitch-based damping sheet was fixed to the wire reel and drive shaft covers.
  • As an experiment the braider was placed on a make shift anti-vibration mount to reduce the amount of vibration travelling into the main body of the machine.

The Results

The application of the damping sheet reduced the noise level by 3dB and the anti-vibration mount produced a further 2dB reduction. A total noise reduction of 5dB.

The Costs

£150 per braider (2005 rates).

Information supplied by

PDA Ltd.

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  1. Noise at work
  2. Regulations
  3. Worried about your hearing?
  4. Overview - Worried about your hearing?
  5. Audio demonstration
  6. Overview - Advice for employers
  7. Employers' responsibilities
  8. How do I assess the risks?
  9. Managing noise risks checklist
  10. Overview - How do I protect my workers?
  11. How do I control the risks from noise?
  12. Use the information from my risk assessment?
  13. Reduce noise?
  14. Choose quieter equipment and machinery?
  15. Hearing protection
  16. What do I need to tell my employees?
  17. Employee and safety representatives
  18. Health surveillance
  19. Advice for manufacturers
  20. Noise calculators
  21. Key messages
  22. Overview - Industry good practice
  23. Overview - Managing noise risks
  24. Over-protection
  25. Accounting for 'real-world' factors
  26. Advice on issuing hearing protection
  27. Workplace design
  28. Plastic products
  29. Overview - Wood working
  30. Saw milling
  31. Air turbulence
  32. Planing and moulding
  33. Overview - Concrete and cement
  34. General information
  35. Avoiding impacts
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  37. Overview - Case studies
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  41. Publications
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  44. Overview - Policy statements
  45. Acoustic shock
  46. Processing
  47. Isolation
  48. Damping
  49. Design (equipment)
  50. Textiles
  51. Engineering
  52. Noise calculators
  53. Noise: Don't lose your hearing
  54. Noise at work: A brief guide to controlling the risks
  55. Hearing loss - what's it like?

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Updated 2021-02-09