Risk reduction through design awards 2024/25
These awards aim to inspire employers to think about how changes to work can reduce the risks of harm to their workers. It’s open to all UK employers and is sponsored by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF).
Musculoskeletal disorders risk reduction through design awards
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include injuries and conditions that can affect the back, joints and limbs. The awards are for companies that have made simple changes to their workplace, task or activities that have resulted in significantly reduced musculoskeletal risk to their employees.
This might include a reduction in lifting, pushing or pulling activities. It could mean removing the need for manual handling altogether, or a significant decrease in the need for awkward postures or the force needed to use equipment. Let's recognise your contribution to reducing risk!
Make a nomination for 2024/25
If you are an employer in the UK, and you have designed a solution to reduce musculoskeletal risks, nominate your design change for the risk reduction through design awards.
Any employer, whether large or small and from any sector or industry, can make a nomination.
Award categories
There are 2 categories for the awards:
- Best overall MSD risk reduction through design award
- Small to medium enterprise (SME) award
We recognise that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the fundamental backbone of the UK economy, employing over half of the countries’ workforce, and accounting for over 95% of private sector businesses. We want to recognise the hard work and dedication of UK SMEs and their approach to risk reduction, and help support other businesses, demonstrating what is possible.
SMEs are defined by the number of employees:
- micro (1-9)
- small (10-49)
- medium (50-249)
How to enter 2024/25 MSDs design awards
We can only accept nominations from employers of the workers who benefit from the design changes. We cannot accept nominations from marketing companies, consultants or designers.
A maximum of 3 nominations per company will be accepted.
More information on how to enter and to download an entry form [1]
What to include in the template for your nomination
Tell us how you have reduced the risk of MSDs for your workers. The template will assist in developing your nomination.
Your nomination should include:
- a detailed description of the task or activity and workplace before you made the change
- a description of the improvements in reducing the risk of MSDs after you made the design change
- clear photographs showing how your workers carried out the activity before (if possible) and after the changes
- a quote demonstrating what your workers think about the design change
Make sure you tell us:
- if you designed the solution in-house, or if someone else helped you, tell us who they were and how they helped
- what the impact of the design change is – how has MSD risk been reduced for your workers and how many workers are affected
- about any other advantages of the design change, for example other health or safety benefits, productivity improvements or environmental benefits
- how you involved your workers in the process
Closing date for nominations
The closing date for nominations is 31 January 2025.
Announcement of the 2025 winners
An independent judging panel will consider shortlisted nominations to select an overall winner.
HSE will use the winning entries as case studies which we will share as practical examples for other employers to understand how they can reduce risk in their workplaces.
Winners will be announced at the CIEHF awards event in April 2025.
2024 awards winners
The awards winners were announced on 23 April 2024 at the CIEHF Annual Conference.
2024 Winner – MSD risk reduction through design award: Cranswick Gourmet Pastry Ltd

Working with the operators, engineers designed an extension to a hopper, eliminating awkward manual handling of pie filling from heavy plastic trays into a tote bin. Each tray weighed around 18kg with up to 14 trays on each rack and operators had to adopt awkward postures when lifting the lower trays.
The activity was carried out on job rotation, throughout a 12-hour shift, depending upon the products being made.
The hopper topper is now moved on wheels into position by the line leader. Its pump transfers pie filling from the tote bin into the hopper. This has eliminated the need for an employee to lift the filled bucket up the steps and above head height to decant it into the hopper.
2024 Winner – Small to medium enterprise (SME) recognition award: MRF Contracting

Operators worked alongside workshop engineers and fencing managers to develop the solution of attaching a heavy post knocker to a crane to eliminate manual handling and reduce hand-arm vibration.
Whole-body vibration was also reduced by the driver and person operating the post knocker regularly rotating roles.