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Manual handling at work

4. Reduce the risk of injury

Measures to control risk will vary depending on the task. Reduce the risk of injury from hazardous manual handling operations you can't avoid. Where possible, provide mechanical help, for example a sack trolley or hoist. Where this is not reasonably practicable[6], explore changes to the task, the load and the working environment.

If manual lifting is the only option then there are things you can do to reduce the risk, including:

  • make the load smaller or lighter and easier to grasp
  • break up large consignments into smaller loads
  • modify the workplace to reduce carrying distances, twisting movements, or the need to lift things from floor level or above shoulder height
  • change the work routine to avoid excessive work rates and tight deadlines
  • improve the environment – more space, better flooring, extra lighting or changing the air temperature can make manual handling easier and safer
  • make sure the person doing the lifting has been trained to lift as safely as possible

There is more information on manual handling risks and how to control them in our leaflet about manual handling[7].

Link URLs in this page

  1. Overview
  2. Avoid hazardous manual handling
  3. Assess manual handling you can’t avoid
  4. Training
  5. The law
  6. reasonably practicable
  7. leaflet about manual handling
  8. Previous page Assess manual handling you can't avoid
  9. Next page Training
  10. View a printable version of the whole guide
  11. Manual handling leaflet
  12. Legal guidance on the Manual Handling Operations Regulations
  13. External help on manual handling
  14. Making the best use of lifting and handling aids
  15. MAC tool leaflet
  16. RAPP tool leaflet

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